Chapter 1: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛

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Edit: Thank you for the Lovely Fanart! - 💕

"Breaking news! This is the 49th death news about the people who've gone missing in their city and currently found in a different area. Same as the other casualty. The body was stained dirty. Almost all of the people in the city were afraid to walk alone especially at night. We highly advised staying home at night. As for now, the only clue we have is---" Mutiara turned off the TV and sigh. "What's wrong ate, do you feel ill listening to that stuff?" Mindanao asked. "Yes, I don't feel so good," Mutiara said and look down. "Me too, I hate listening to that stuff. It sends me chills." Visayas said. "I felt pity for the victims, they did nothing wrong," Mindanao said and look down.

Mindanao was a sweet-caring boy. He is the youngest of the three siblings of Mutiara. Mindanao was also the type of scaredy-cat. "You think so? I heard those victims were bad guys." Visayas stated.

Visayas was a more prankster brother from the three. He likes to prank everyone, especially Mindanao. But, even so. He's a good boy who completes their chores.

"Its almost night, you boys must be tired. Please go to your room and go to sleep. I'll handle the rest here." Mutiara said and gave them a gentle smile. "But, ate, what about Luzon? He hasn't come home yet and its already dark outside." Mindanao said worriedly. "Yes, for the very first time Mindanao was right. We must wait for him to come home." Visayas said.

Suddenly, the front door opens and Luzon entered the house. "I'm home..." Luzon greeted. "It looks like he's here!" Mutiara said. "Welcome home!!" the two boys ran to him. "How are you? Do you want to eat? I'll cook for you If you want.." Mutiara asked but Luzon shook his head. "Salamat, ate but I preferred to rest. I'll be going to my room now." Luzon said and walk upstairs.

The two followed him as soon as he walks upstairs.

Mutiara on the other hand took a deep breath and sigh. She closed and locked the door, cleaned the sala, and washed the dishes. After that, she walked upstairs and entered her darkroom.

Its night, she closed her door and locked it. The moon shines bright. Mutiara walks towards the window. The breeze of the wind was cold. She sigh. "I wonder if I can last..." she whispered. She suddenly gazes into her big mirror. Her hair was long straight, her dress isn't really suited for her beauty, her bangs were too long. She walks towards her desk "This outfit isn't sexy at all..." she then leaves a grin her beautiful face. Her eyes were already glowing red. "How hilarious, they didn't even realize that Mutiara was already dead-gone.".

"And the person who's in control now was named Clara..."

. . .

The next day, Clara woke up in a soft cushion. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Its already six in the morning and its time to make breakfast, just like Mutiara does every morning. She went downstairs and head to the kitchen.

Clara was the type of cook yet shes not very good in her country works.

"Magandang umaga ate!!" Mindanao greeted. [Trns."Goodmorning sister!!"]. "Magandang umaga!" she responded. [Trns."Good morning!"]. Yesterday she cooked pork steak and today she wanted to make a simple meal. She placed the classic sunny side up eggs beside the fried rice. Then, she took the kettle and put some water in it. She placed it in the stove and waited for it to heats up.

Luzon came down wearing his work uniform. "Y-you're already going?" Clara asked. "Oh, yes. I have to, to avoid traffic." Luzon said and fixed his glasses. "Where's Visayas kuya?" Mindanao asked realizing that Visayas wasn't with them. "He overslept again..." Luzon said.

"Well, then I'll be going now. See you guys later." Luzon said and started to head off but he stopped when he heard his sister ran after her. "Here, have this with you so you wont starves later." She said and gave him a fake smile. Somehow, she manages to copy everything Mutiara has. Luzon stared at her for a minute but accepted the lunch box. "Salamat po." He said and head off. [Trns."Thank you."].

Clara went back to the kitchen and washed the dishes. "Finished eating?" She asked. Mindanao nodded and smile. "It was delicious!" Mindanao said. Clara laughs but there's still a trace of fake in her face. "C'mon, you're flattering me. Thank you." She said. "Oh, yeah, walk upstairs and wake up your brother. The breakfast is ready yet he's still asleep." Mindanao nodded and dash to the stairs.

Clara was left alone. Her eyes glow, she suddenly felt mad. 'This isn't right.' she said through herself and walk towards the front door. She gazes outside, her hand suddenly formed a small fist. "That kid..." she whispered. 'That kid must realize something..' She was stopped when someone grabbed her shirt. Its Mindanao. "That kid...who?" Mindanao asked wearing a worried face. "Oh! Yeah! That kid! The kid outside holding a red balloon." Clara said trying to plaster the topic.

"So wheres Visayas?" She asked. "He won't wake up.," Mindanao said. "That. Lazy. Boy.!" Clara immediately walk upstairs and slammed the door. She saw Visayas covered with a thick blanket. "Visayas?" She called. But Visayas didn't respond. Clara walks towards and removes the blanket. She saw the boy who's shivering. It looks like he got a high fever. Mindanao saw it and feel worried. Clara stands up and immediately ran outside. "W-where are you going!?" Mindanao asked. "Oh! Watch over him, I'll be looking for medicine." She said but she was stopped when Mindanao said that there is no more medicine in the medic kit. "Oh, then I will go out to buy some." She said. "R-right..." Mindanao said.

Clara left the two and head outside. While walking and thinking too much, she accidentally bumps into someone. "Woah! Watch out where you're going! Hermana!" a boy with a Spanish accent said. Clara saw a tall tanned man with a bandanna on its neck, he also wears the same necklace that Mutiaras wearing. "S-sorry?" Clara said. "What wrong?" the boy asked. "I-Its nothing! I have to go! If you please excuse me" Clara said and immediately ran off.

After running she stopped and started to catch her breath. "Who was that guy?" She asked. She shook her head and decided to buy the medicine.

. . .

Clara came back in time. As she opens the front door she saw a familiar human figure sitting on the sofa. "Ola, Hermana!" It is the boy she bumped earlier while walking through the streets. [Trns. "Hello, sister!"]. "Y-You!?" Clara was shocked. "Welcome home ate! Kuya Mexico came by since he said he has something to tell you but you ran off by your self, so he decided to stay here for a while. He even got Visayas a medicine that he needed." Mindanao said. 'This man is annoying, what does he want to tell anyway?' Clara put the plastic of medicine at the table and apologize for what she did. The man laughs. "Don't worry about that, I didn't mind it at all since you have a good reason. You cared for your little brother." Mexico said. "R-right..." Clara sat down and look away. She doesn't want to have eye contact or anything.

"S-so! Mindanao said that you have something to tell me! Haha! What is it?" Clara asked trying again to wear her fake mask of Mutiara personality. "Oh! Yeah! Right! I almost forgot!--Were going to have another world meeting next week. Everyone is expecting you to attend especially Espana, I remember you didn't come last time." Mexico said. That's right after Clara took Mutiaras body she didn't like to attend any kind of meeting. She doesn't like the boredom in that place. But since today, I think she has to attend or she will be busted.

"Yeah, I will! Thank you for coming." Clara said. After that Mexico has to go. He says goodbye and told her to take care of Visayas.

Clara glared at Mexico who's walking away from their house. Her eyes glow. He hates him. There is something that Clara doesn't like at all. She slammed the front door and walk upstairs. She was walking through the hallway and heard Mindanao telling jokes to Visayas. "I'll be glad if you just die.." Clara muttered and continued walking.

She entered her room and slammed her door shut... It's cold. Clara walk towards her window.


The Rondo of Madness [2019] | 2p!Hetalia Philippines FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now