Chapter 31

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She makes it safely to the other side. We all heave a huge sigh of relief.

-- -------- --

Eva Trend P.O.V

Once Danielle get to the other side, she immediately checks out her heel and makes sure they're not scratched. Luckily, not a smudge of dirt is in sight and we are spared her hissy fit.

"How did she do that?" Brooke asks, mouth agape.

"I hate to admit this," Lauren says hastily, "but she could be in the Olympics."

I throw a sideward glance and Danielle. She is getting restless and on the verge of screaming.

"She's bored." I hiss, "Someone needs to get there before she blows up."

Everyone shuffles back a notch and for the first time, I'm glad I'm sick and can't tree surf.

"So who's next?" Lauren throws away the bottle of spray tan.

"Hey!" Sebastian complains and the empty bottle drops and makes a clatter on the hard earth below us.

"I'll go, show you losers how it's really done." Jacob smirks.

Surprisingly he makes it safely to the other side and reunites with Danielle. One by one, they all go. Learning from each other's mistakes, they all make it relatively safely to the finish line.

Trinity and Lauren help hands like Siamese twins and Lil Huddy dared to flip upside down the whole way. Eventually, Sebastian and I the last one left on platform one.

"Okay, 10, 9, 8, 7-" He counters.

"JUST GO ALREADY!" Danielle slams the tree in fury which makes Sebastian scared.

He does the most dramatic run up, glides across the line. I watch in awe as he flies through the air... but he slows down to a stop in the middle.

"WHAT'S WRONG?" He cries, flailing uselessly.

"I think you jammed the zipline with your spray tan." Sarah sniggers.

She and Zoe start laughing so hard, Sarah falls stumbles back. She would've cracked her head if it wasn't for Cash who does some quick thinking and grabs her arm. They both blush furiously before Cash lifts her back up onto the platform.

Paige sighs softly and looks the opposite direction, her bottom lip trembling ever so slightly. I make my way down the tree, run to the tree that holds the first obstacle and reunite with everyone. As I pass Paige, I do an almost unnoticeable gesture of comfort.

"It's okay." I pat her on the back, "You're way more likeable than her."

Paige offers me a smile, but soon returns to a small frown.

Sebastian's left crying in the middle of the zipline. Danielle and Jacob decide to have a conversation while Lil Huddy takes this as a chance to sit down with his ever-present laptop and buy more Louis Vuitton shoes. Lauren and Brooke start a nice friendly conversation and Noen decides to start playing tag with Cash, Maverick and Payton, which is hard when you're basically in the air. Paige has a quiet conversation with Trinity and I'm awkwardly standing next to Mychael.

We try numerous times to start a conversation but it just doesn't work, so soon we're both communicating with hands. But we end up getting in a fight like we always do so we decide to give up talking to each other.

I see something out of the corner of my eye. A spider, yes. I spider crawls up to us. It's a big. Furry. Long spider. I jump back in fear and hide behind Mychael.

Everyone starts muttering on how cute it is while I die of fear in the corner.

"Aw." Trinity coos, "It's so fuzzy!"

"And fat!" Lil Huddy judges.

"It's poisonous." Noen remarks pulling Brooke away.

Trinity lurches back as if she had been stung. Danielle and Jacob walk back to see what all the fuss is about.

"What's happening?!" she screeches, "Jacob go find out!"

Jacob rushes up and elbows everyone away. Despite our protests, he grabbed the spider with his bare hands and throws it at Danielle's face. She lets out a deafening scream as she slapped the black creature off her. The spider flew metres up in the air before pummelling straight down and splatters onto the ground.

Cash groans and closes his eyes. Paige lets out a silent scream. I hold Mychael's hand so tightly until his fingers start to turn blue.

"Sorry." I mutter and release my hand from his fingers.

"Let's name him Henry!" Zoe chirps out of nowhere.

We turn to look at her slowly.

"Henry," Noen emphasises, "is dead."

"What?" Zoe gasps, "No way! When did that happen."

Oh god I can't listen to this anymore. That's when I notice another spider perched right above my eye level.

"Um, Guys?" I point at the ugly thing.

"Oooo!" Zoe squeals, "It's Henry 2.0!"

Sarah obviously sees how scared I am of the spider.

"C'mon Eva! Hold her!" Sarah carefully walks over to me with the spider in her hands. I squeal quietly and hide behind Mychael.

"Sarah, if she doesn't want to, it's fine." Mychael defends me.

"Aw. So are you a scaredy cat?" She laughs.

"No." I mutter, instantly regretting it.

"Then hold the damm spider." She holds it out to me.

I slowly extend my hand and henry climbs onto me. I whimper in fear but try not to show it. The spider crawls up my arm and slowly makes his way to my face.

"GET IT OFF OF ME!" I shriek. Sarah's smiling at me.

"Aw, you and henry have such a close relationship!" She giggles as she removes the spider from my arm.

I heave a huge sigh of relief as soon as Henry 2.0 leaves my skin.

"Haha very funny." I huff.

I never thought I would say this, but I was glad when I saw the guide's new buggy pull up a few metres away from the tree we were all crowded on. He climbs up to us and frowns.

"I was away for almost two hours..." he says confused, "How come y'all still on obstacle one?"

"Blame Danielle!" we chorus together in perfect sync.

"Should have guessed." the guide mutters.



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