Part 34

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'I can't let his aura turn dark, who knows what will happen to him'.

'Your mother was right , you need to choose' Aysel muttered

It was hard on both of us to choose. Between Adam, Eric and Aiden.

'I say we do a test on them, to see which one is more in love with us and who's more faithful'
Aysel recommended.

'And how shall we do that'.

'Pay close attention to them' she chuckled 'but if I must say for myself  Eric's in the lead while Aiden is second and Adam is last'.

I smiled and looked to Aiden.

He was looking over to the lake, looking at peace as his chest slowly lifted and fell. It's hard to believe that we met on such bad terms. Otherwise I could've seen us being together.

"You're staring" he smirked.

"You wish". I folded my arms and faced the lake.

"There's no reason to lie Aria".

I scoffed and got up, walking closer to the lake.

"Be careful" he shouted from behind.

"Yeah ye-" I slipped on a rock and was so close to falling if Aiden hadn't stopped my fall.

"Told you be careful" he smirked. Our faces inches apart from each other.

I was lost in those eyes. Those crystal blue eyes that trapped me in theirs.

I could feel the connection coming back and I know he felt it in him to.

Our faces inching closer to each other. We were in a an entirely different world. Just us, but slowly that world melted away and reality clicked back into place.

"Um" I pulled back slowly from his embrace. The warmth leaving my body "I think we should head back, before they start looking for us".

"Uh, yeah" he slipped his hands into his pockets "we should go".

He started walking first and I followed with a good distance behind. The walk back was a little bit awkward. So I started whistling some tunes.

He chuckled "is that you're way of trying to get rid of the awkwardness or making it worse?".

"At least I'm trying".

He laughed "sure you are".

When we finally made it out of the forest I was greeted by a worried looking Eric.

"Aria, where were you?!" He hugged me. I smiled and glanced at Aiden.

He was staring and looking at me with a sad look on his face. With a small smile and a wave he left.

My heart ached.

"Sorry Eric I was just hanging with Aiden" I smiled.

He growled and pulled away but not letting go of me.

"I could smell him on you" he scoffed before dropping his hands to his side.

"We weren't doing anything just talking" I chuckled, punching him playfully on the shoulder.

"I hope so".

"Hey Aria, can i talk to you for a sec?" Mason said running up to us.

"Yea, sure Mason. what's up?".

"I just wanted to say thanks, for giving me a new mate, Emerald's amazing and so is Peyton, Today she said her first words and guess what it was?" He asked excitedly.

I chuckled "i don't know".

"Dada" he squealed "her first words were dada and she said it to me!"

At this point he was just jumping up and down with excitement laced in his voice. I gave him a small hug and watched as he ran back to where i think Emy and Peyton are.

"I'm so happy for him" I voiced.

"Everyone's happy for him, he finally found his mate thanks to the one and only moon Goddess". Eric Smirked.

"Aw it was nothing, he's family. I ha-" I was cut short by eric pushing me to the side with the words 'watch out'.

It was so quick i didn't even see it coming, one minute I was standing talking to Eric, the next we're both on the grassy floor, but Eric had a Arrow stuck in his shoulder.

Blood was gushing out of his wound, turning the once green grass, red.

"Eric, Eric you're okay" I placed my hand on his good shoulder in comfort "I'm, just going to pull out the arrow and heal you".

It was a hard thing to do, for every time I pull the arrow, I hear Eric's Groan or scream and I feel his pain, But i need to heal him before to much blood comes out, I yanked out the arrow and healed it as soon as it came out.

Eric let out a breath of relief and thank me, but I'm not done yet.

I mind linked the guards that was supposed to be on duty and told them to keep a look out for any suspicious people.

"Aria look at this".

Eric held a paper that was on the arrow, he unfolded it and read out loud.

"I'm coming for you, niece, by your dearest uncle".

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