Part 5

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I stood there with my mouth open and my eyes wide. I felt as the tears start to build up, as much as I wanted to let it out, i couldn't, because it wasn't my place to cry for someone i don't know. But for some reason i felt like if i was supposed to be that girl he was swapping saliva with (as gross as that sounds).

Like he sensed me staring at him. He turned around and his crystal blue eyes landed on mine, he quickly pushed the girl away from him, but the bitch still had her hands rapped around him like her life depended on it.

I instantly shook it off reminding myself that i don't know him and i certainly am not his to be feeling this way. I helped Ethan and Mason with my bags. But i couldn't help but feel his eyes on me.

"you guys need some help" i heard a deep calm voice behind me and i turned around and saw him.

"We're almost done"Ethan said "this is Aria"

He put out his hand and i accepted it. Our hands touched and i felt sparks shoot up my hand and that smirk on his face proved that he felt it to.

"I'm Aiden" he said

'Aiden is such a sexy name and it suits him well' i thought to myself but i shrugged it out remembering what just happened. Our hands were still together and i let go of his hand. He had a confused expression on his face.

"Uhh" Mason said and we both looked and stared at him "you ready Aria?"

"where you guys going?" Aiden asked 

"we're taking Aria home" Ethan said putting in the last bags, i didn't even realize that i had that much clothes 

"I'm coming with" Aiden said and before i could say anything he was already in the car.

Everyone piled up into the van and we was on our way home. Ethan was in the driver's seat and Mason was in the passenger's seat. Leaving me and Aiden in the backseat, i am still confused to the reason why he decided to tag along and why did i felt sparks when our hands touched.

The drive was awfully quiet but in a calm and easy way. Ethan drove into a road and i knew for sure that i was back home. The trees brought back so much memories of when Victoria and i would go hiking.

"We're here" Ethan said knocking me out of my day dream. The huge private mansion came into view. I looked at everyone and their mouths were open and eyes were wide as they looked at the house that was now in front of the car.

"woah" was all i heard as we jumped out of the van.

"i know right" i said looking at them smiling

"how are you gong to live there alone?" Aiden asked

"I'll get used to it" i said unlocking the front door and going inside.It was just as i remembered it. It had a huge living room and huge kitchen. This house had more than five rooms and bathrooms and i of course was taking the master bedroom.

The three of them walked in after me with my bags. Their eyes were even wider than before. They'll be more excited once they see the pool in the backyard .

"No fucking way!"Mason shouted "you have a game room!"

"Dude, did you see the pool" Ethan said from outside

"You're backyard is ginormous!" I heard Ethan shout. I chuckled and walked to the kitchen to get some drinks for the boys.

"Bonjour mademoiselle" said a voice from behind me and i instantly knew who it was. "Adam!" i said running to the tall well built, brown haired man in front of me and hugging him.

"i missed you princess" he said with his hands around my waist.

Me and Adam met when he brought his injured pet hamster to Victoria, since she was a vet and all. It turns out that we had the same interests and likes. We became pretty close and he always kept contact with me since Victoria's passing.

"i mis-" i was cut short by a growl. We both turned around and saw Aiden, his  hands were in a fist and his eyes were black.

'what is wrong with him?'

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