Part 10

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I woke up the next morning and stretched while yawning. I got out of my bed and walked towards the bathroom. I did my usual morning routine  and walked downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. Adam was sitting by the island eating cereal. Mason and Ethan sat next to him. They were all laughing and talking.

"Morning peeps" I said to the three males

"Morning Aria!"Ethan and Mason said in unison

"Morning princess" Adam said giving me a warm smile which i returned.

I walked towards the cabinets and pulled out a frying pan.  I made bacon and eggs with waffles, I made enough for everyone. Even though the boys had already ate. I gave each of them a plate and took some for myself. I sat next to Adam and started eating.

I heard a door open and Micheal walked in with Aiden following behind 

"Morning Aria"Micheal said in a cheerful tone. Aiden just stood there staring at me with a blank face.

"Why is he here?" I growled, all heads except Micheal and  Adam snapped to me.

"Di-did you just growl"Mason asked 

"Mhmm, I shifted into my wolf yesterday" i said like if it meant nothing. They all had a shocked expression on their face "But i want to know why he is here" 

"Aria he is here to talk to me about business" Micheal said sternly "I didn't know you guys had a rivalry"

"Oh we do and I don't appreciate you bringing him here" i said sounding a little pissed off

"Again i didn't know that you two had rivalry" He said a bit annoyed

"Just leave already" I said finishing my breakfast.

"Could you just let him have some breakfast first?" Ethan asked

I rolled my eyes and sighed "Fine, but when you're done i want you gone" i said getting up from my seat and went upstairs to my bedroom.

I walked in my bathroom and took a long hot shower. When i was finished i walked out of the bathroom to be greeted by Aiden who was on the couch staring at me. His eyes flickered from black with lust to his crystal blue eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked sternly

"I wanted to apologize for what happened the other day" he says getting up from the couch and taking slow steps towards me

I backed away from him a little 

"Look Aria I am sorry about what happened, I shouldn't have acted that way with you, it wasn't in my place. I know you would think i am a man whore if i told you this, but Aria, ever since i saw you, i got strong feelings. I don't know if you feel the same way. There s something called mates, i figured that since you are a wolf and not human i should tell you" he said looking at me dead in the eyes

"Can i change into clothes first?" I asked pointing towards the closet. He chuckled and nod his head

I walked into my walk-in closet and changed into light blue high waisted jeans and body suit that says "alcohol you later" with a pair of blue scandals. When i was finished i walked out to see my bed was made up and Aiden was laying on it 

"it was annoying me to see your bed not made so i did it for you" he says getting up into a seated position and looked at me "You look good by the way"

I blushed a little at the compliment and sat on the bed next to him "Thank you" i said giving him a warm smile 

"No problem" he looked down then raised his head with a serious expression on his face "Aria, a mate is a soul mate that is created just for you by the moon goddess. When you find your mate you get all the effects. You can smell their scent stronger than anyone else, when you touch each other you feel tingles and you grow a bond. Aria I feel all those effects with you"

I looked at him and smile but that smile soon disappeared when i remembered he had someone "But what about that girl you were making out with are, you sure she isn't your mate?"

"No she isn't I was forced to be with her" He paused "You see i am an alpha, the leader of a pack called blood moon. In order for me to become alpha i needed to find my mate, but i couldn't find you in time, so i was forced to mate with someone and make them my Luna. When i saw you the other day i wanted to die. I wasn't expecting to find you and not in that particular way.

"So now that you find me what are you going to do now?" i asked 

"I'm going to beg the counsellors to get rid of her and make you my luna, but i had already marked her before you came so i don't know if they will allow it" he said in deep thought


"It's something you do when you find your mate. You mark each other to let everyone know that you're taken"

"so like a hickey?"

He chuckled "No a bite, you must bite your mate to complete the mate bond and you know.....have sex"

I gasped and looked him in the eye to see any sort of lie in them but there wasn't. He got up from the bed and kneeled in front of me.

"Aria i am so sorry i will do whatever i can to get rid of this problem, I only want you and only you. When i couldn't find you i thought you were dead and that i would never get to see you, but yet here you are and I'm so thankful that the moon goddess paired me up with you". he said giving me the most amazing smile that i have ever seen.

"I'll need time to think about it Aiden" I said giving him an apologetic smile 

"Take all the time you need, but just know I'm always here" he gave me a small kiss on my head then walked out the room

Should I forgive him?


What should she do?
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