Part 37

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The drive to the kingdom was long and tiring, we drove for about 2 hours and we wasn't even close to reaching our destination.

I was in the passenger seat, Adam was driving and Eric and Aiden was in the back seat.

For the whole ride no one said a word to each other.

I looked outside my window and saw the guards running alongside of us. I chose some guards to run side of us as we make our way to the kingdom, they'll change shifts with other guards every 1 hour.

I'd sometimes run with them, to get some fresh air and to get away from all the tension in the car.

The only thing that can be heard is the humming of the AC and our heartbeats.

It was now bothering me more than ever.

"Do you guys feel that?" I asked them.

"Feel what?" Aiden asked.

"This fucking tension" I snapped " I've been in this car with the three of you for a total of two hours and the tension is so thick I'm scared that we'd all suffocate".

"Aria, we know" Adam muttered.

"Know what?" I was now confused.

"We know that you have to choose one of us as your mate" Eric wasn't looking at me, but I can tell that this was bothering him "we heard it from your mother, all three of us got a dream".

"A dream where we were ruling the kingdom together as one all four of us, then we saw another dream, where you chose none of us and we all died and everyone died" Adam finished off.

I laid my head on the head rest and closed my eyes.

"This is hard, honestly it is. I can't choose, because you three are the most important to me" I sighed a tear slowly falling down my cheek.

It was silent for a while, but then Aiden leaned towards the radio and played some cheerful music.

"We'll always be with you no matter who you choose" I looked to him, Adam and Eric. They all had a smile on their face.

My heart couldn't take I felt my cheeks burning up.

"Are you catching a fever Aria" Eric asked worriedly.

Adam chuckled "she's just blushing at our handsomeness".

"Oh shut up, dip shit!" I hid my face and turned to my window.

They were all laughing.

I love them

3 hours later....

"Aria, Aria" someone was shoving me and it was getting on my nerves.

"Aria, Aria" why the hell are they poking my face.


I jumped up and hit heads with the idiot who was above me.

Both of us groaned. I laid my hand on my forehead and looked up at the idiot.


"Is your head made out of iron?" He groaned "what the fuck".

"Why were you above me in the first place stupid?".

"I don't know maybe because we reached our destination".

I jumped out the car and finally takes in my surroundings. I was standing in front of a palace like mansion. Rose bushes surrounding it.

It was beautiful.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Eric said coming up behind me.

"This is amazing" I hummed "where is everyone".

"Follow me" he jumped back into the car with me following him.

He drove to the other side of the mansion and into a rode covered by trees.

"There are other homes that are in-front of the palace but that area was filled with the kingdoms citizens, but there were other areas that the pack can go to. They chose this one".

As we made it out of the covered road, I was met with a beautiful site, something like a village. I can see my pack members getting settling into their new homes.

They looked happy.

In a village like this I'd be happy to.

"What do you think?" Eric asked.

"It's amazing".

"By the way you have to go and introduce yourself to the whole kingdom, I'll take you to the podium. Tell the guards to get everyone together.

I mind linked the guards.

When we made it to the podium there was already some citizens and pack members waiting.

I walked up to the podium and waited as the rest of them came. Adam and Aiden can and stood aside me. Eric doing the same.

After 5 minutes everyone was here and I was amazed. I felt like I was hosting an event for and audience. There's so many people here.

'My child, show them your power, let them know who you are'

'Yes mother'

I took a deep breath and allowed the power to flow through me, it felt different, stronger, more lively.

I opened my eyes and everyone was on full alert.

They know now that they're goddess is here.

"My mother, the previous moon goddess, has passed not to long ago. And left the responsibilities to me. I as your new moon goddess, will be here for you as your leader and as your mother. I am just as any other wolf, so treat me like any other wolf, but respect is guaranteed. Not only for me but every other wolf you meet. There will be an event to celebrate the new moon goddess. So look your best and let's have fun". I finally finished my speech and cheers could be heard from everyone.

I can hear the ladies chatting on what to wear, while the men talked about what drinks to buy. I watched as they all walked away with a smile on my face.

I felt a tug on the leg of my pants, I turned and saw an adorable little boy, probably at the age of 5.

He was mixed with Korean, I can tell by his eyes and his curly brown hair and pale skin.

"Hi little one, what's your name?".

"Zach" he smiled. He had a missing tooth. Cute.

"I'm Aria, where's your parents?".

"Parents? What is that?"  He looked at me confused.

"Do you have a mummy and a daddy?" Aiden knelt down to his level and asked him.

His head fell low and he sniffled. "No".

I pulled him into a strong hug and wiped away his tears.

"Do you want me to be your mummy?".

His face immediately brightened up, "yes, yes, yes!".

"Aria are you sure? Can you take care of him on your own?" Adam asked.

I smirked "Zach, you see these three big guys?".


"They're you're daddies".

"What?!" They all shouted

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