Part 29

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A sudden surge of energy ran into me.
I know who I am, I know who I am suppose to be.

'You dare pin down your moon goddess' I mindlinked for everyone to hear

The scaby wolf looked scared shitless and slowly backed away. I got up and stood confidently on my four paws.

All wolves stared at me with a terrified look on their face. Eric gave me a look of purr awe and adoration.

I shifted and to my surprise, I wore a long silver dress, my hair was in curls and I had several jewelry on me.

' you are the Moon Goddess, let them know who you really and truly are' Aysel said proudly.

"My name is Diana Aria Luna Taylor, you will remember this name let it be scarred in your brains" I spoke with so much authority that I can't even recognize my own voice.

"I am your Moon Goddess, this act that you are portraying to your own kind, it sickens me. Imagine your mother being attacked the same way, what would you have done?"

"Your majesty, if I may" one of them said. He was fully naked and filled with scars. "We did not know that it was you, that we were attacking"

"Even if it wasn't me, brutally attacking your own kind is just sad and disgusting" I scowled

"Your majesty, we are rogues, we we're kicked out of our packs, this is what we do to survive" Another one said

"I'm aware that you are rogues. You must have done something pretty bad to be kicked out of your own pack"

They all stayed silent

"Very well then, I will need to punish you all" I spoke freely

"No your majesty"

"Please forgive us Goddess!"

"We need to survive!"

They all three in their own objections and pleads.

It was annoying

"Enough!" I commanded with a more authorative voice " you will be punished whether you like it or not. There is no use that you live such life, where you need to kill your own kind to survive!"

"Where I'm sending you, you shall be free of all troubles" I smiled softly

"Thank you Goddess" the first one said

"It will come with a cost tho" I frowned "it's a place where you will be free, but only you will be there separately. Think of it as an empty void, with just you alone there".

"You will live a life of pure loneliness to pay for your crimes". I didn't wait for their pleads

One swift move of my hands and they were sent to their voids.

"My Moon Goddess" Eric bowed down to me. He had scars all over his face and back.

"Oh Eric, look at me" I placed my hand on his face and closed my eyes.

I imagined his wounds closing up and healing, disappeared as if they were never there.

"Thank you" he smiled softly "I think I should tell you that you're hair now has some silver in it and your are shinning brightly right now".

I laughed "really?"

He smirked "you look really beautiful right now my Moon Goddess"

He placed a long lingering kiss on my cheek and parted away slowly, giving me a deep look in my eye.

"Aria! Eric! Where are you?!" I heard someone yell from behind us.

"I think they're in this clearing!" Another voice yelled

All five of the guys ran out looking sweaty and frantic.

"Woah, what happened to you Aria? did you just leave a ball?" Ethan chuckled

"That's Moon Goddess to you pup, you should bow" Eric growled

"It's ok Eric, they're family" I gave a small smile

"My Goddess" Micheal bowed

"What the hell old man, she said it's ok" Ethan Yelled

"Look at her, don't you see the Moon Goddess has passed down her powers, Aria is our Goddess now, you must bow" Micheal grunted

Slowly all of them bowed down

"Okay, okay this is weird get up" I laughed nervously

"Guess your mother decided that it was your time to take the crown" Aiden smirked

"Indeed I have" my mother said from behind.

"Shit, mom don't do that!" I jumped back

"Aria, I didn't only give you my powers because you're ready, I gave it to you because I'm dying" she softly spoke

"Not you to Mom, you can't leave me!" I hugged her tightly, while crying.

"I'm sorry dear, there is something I need to tell you" she whispered

"What is it now mom, I don't want no more bad news" I cried softly

"You need to choose" she whispered softly


"Who you love my dear. Aiden, Adam and Eric both love you and I know you love them, but you must choose"
She held on to me tightly

"What if I don't choose?"

"Then they all die" she sadly said "you must choose who's gonna be your husband, your beta, your third in command and your warriors. They're gonna live with you for the rest of your life, they will be immortal just like you"

"Damn mom, bad news after bad news" I chuckled sadly

"I know hunny, you must also go to your home. I'll be with you forever" she pulled away and smiled sadly

A bright light glowed between the both of us.

"What's going on mom?!" I asked frantically

"I'm going to be with you forever deary, not physically but mentally. I will always love you" she gave me a lingering kiss on my head and just like that she disappeared.

It was all silent


"Oh shitttttt" Ethan shouted

"Shut up Ethan!" The guys yelled in unison


Who do you think she should pick?

Aiden, Adam or Eric

Vote on who guysss

If I'm being honest I love all of them, but this story is for you guys. So you choose


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