Part 31

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"Can I ask you for your name?" I asked her as we made our way to the pack house for her belongings.

"I-i-it's Emerald, My Moon Goddess" She spoke softly.

"There is no need for that Emy, it's just Aria" She smiled at the nickname. 

As we stepped inside the pack house, sounds of baby cries could be heard and Emerald dashed towards the source. I was hurriedly following her until I finally caught up with her. She had made a living in a tiny walk in closet.

Her bed was up against a wall and baskets of clothes were everywhere around the room taking up at least majority of it, but what was the most suprising was that she had her baby living in here.

She was holding a baby on her bed, while making her a bottle.

"Why are you raising a baby, in such a room" I exclaimed while helping her make the bottle.

"They put me in here Aria, I have no choice but to listen to the Alpha's order". She sighed, slowly calming the baby.

How could Adam treat his own pack members like this. She has a baby for crying out loud, she can't raise a baby in here.

"Emerald who's the father?Does he sleep in this room to?" I asked her

She stayed silent and kept her eyes on her baby.

'He must've left her' I thought to myself

'Even if her mate did leave her, Adam had no sympathy and left her in here' Aysel whimpered

'Maybe she did something bad?'

'Do you not see her living conditions and how scared she was to even talk to us? How could she ever do something bad' She barked.

'Whatever it is imma get it out of her' 

I started taking her clothes and putting them into whatever bag I can find. The baby had more clothes than her, I'm going to take her shopping once she's out of this place.

I finally finished packing her stuff and sat next to her on her bed. The baby was snuggled up in her arms with a thumb in her mouth. She looked so precious.

"What's her name?"I quietly asked.

She took a while to answer me as she gazed down at the babygirl. "I haven't chosen a name for her yet"She softly said. 

"What about........Peyton?" I suggested 

Her eyes shined at the name and a small smile was placed on her face. "Peyton Hills" She mumbled to herself "Thank you so much for saving me from this hell Aria, you have no idea how it feels to be treated as an outcast and to be a mother who doesn't even get payed money not even food for her child".

At this point, tears were just spewing from her eyes. I took the baby from her and laid her on the bed. I took Emerald and just gave her a hug as she cried. It seems she has been building it up for a while, cause she was crying for hours with non-stop venting, but i let her do it, cause she needed it.

After she was done, I left her inside the room to go get her and the baby some food. When I arrived in the kitchen. Her family was there talking in hush tones but i could clearly hear them.

"That Goddess is a bitch, how dare she take Emerald to the kingdom and not me!?" The sister yelled

"In time hunny, right now we have to get Emerald out of the picture and put ourselves in. We must get into that kingdom" Her father spoke in such harsh tones that I couldn't even  take it.

"Beautiful day isn't it?" I asked while walking inside 

"Why yes it is Luna" He nervously replied

"Luna is there anything you would like for me to do for you?" The sister asked with a grin on her face.

"Yes there is" I smiled harshly "I want you to......leave Emerald the fuck alone!"

They all gasped 

"How on earth can a father and mother talk so ill of their own flesh and blood. That's just fucking disgusting" I  said my voice laced with disgust "And you!"

I pointed to the sister.

"Instead of you try to talk to your parents about treating your sister better you disrespect her and call her names" At this point I was fuming "She has a fucking child in that small walk in closet that she calls a room, A fucking closet!. Do you not see what you are doing to her!?"

They stayed silent

'They haven't learned there lesson yet, show them what being a real pack is about' Aysel pondered.

I raced into Emy's room and took her and the baby to the middle of the training field. Some of the pack members looked confused while others looked disgusted by the sight of seeing Emerald.

'Everyone to the center of the field now!' I growled through the pack link

One by one all pack members littered out of the Pack house, with Adam following in front.

"What is this Aria?!" He shouted angrily.

I ignored him and waited for everyone to be here.

"Aria I asked you a question!" Adam continued to shout.

"Shut the fuck up Adam, I'm doing what a real leader should, something you skipped out on" He shut up instantly but i can see that he was still angry.

I looked at Emerald, who's head was down and just gazed at Peyton as she played with her tiny thumb.

'Raise your head. they can't hurt you while I'm here' I said to her through mind link.

She slowly lifted her head and faced the huge crowds, number of growls could be heard until i raised my hand as a sign for them to shut up.

"I came to Adam's pack thinking, that everyone was kind and treated eachother as family. Little did I know that it was just a joke." I spoke with full authority then faced Emerald and Peyton "These are pack members, your fellow pack member and yet you treat her as some rogue that got through your barrier".

"She has a child named Peyton and she was raising Peyton in a small walk in closet which she called a room. You have no idea what this girl goes through as a mother and yet you still call her  names and physically hurt her. Now tell me what pack does that" Everyone's head turned down. Then i faced Adam.

"Mate you fucking disgust me" i scowled. Adam's face held pure shock but it was soon changed into a scowl "You left you pack member in a closet with a child and didn't even stop your other pack members from hurting her.

He was about to speak but I stopped him. "You have no right to speak, I'm going to be in charge from now on, This pack will be conjoined with the kingdom and let me tell you now. I don't take bullshit".



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