Part 19

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The drive to Adam's pack was quiet and peaceful, but Adam was the only one feeling the peace. Me on the other hand, was nervous as shit.

"Don't worry about it to much babe". He said taking my hand in his and kissed it

"Easy for you to say, it is your pack, so I don't see why you should be a nervous wreck".

"I should be nervous, I haven't returned to the pack since I got the news that you were back. If I had stayed any longer, I would've lost my title".

"I'm sorry if I kept you at my place for to long"

"for you I would've stayed forever", He kissed my knuckle and faced back to the road,

We had already taken the plane and we were now on our way to his pack. 

I was still thinking about Mason, I didn't want anything to happen to him. I feel so stupid, I have my mother's powers and yet I still don't understand them. It's really frustrating.

2 hours later

We had finally reached his pack. It looked like a gated community.

Adam drove up and talked through those things to talk through, when you want to get in. "hey man, It's Alpha Adam"

"They gates will be open right away alpha", A voice said. The gates opened and Adam drove forward. 

It really was like a community, except there was a huge house in the center, it's not a mansion but it is something that resembles one

"This is the pack house, this is where unmated wolves go to live. The ones that are mated, they have their own house", Adam said 

"Do you live in the pack house?"

"Nope, the high ranks have their own home, such as the Alpha, that is me, the beta and the 3rd command"

I simply just nodded, since I'm new to all of this pack and wolf business

He drove past the huge house and started driving on a dirt road. There were huge trees surrounding us, it was beautiful. 

He stopped at a beautiful mansion, it had rose bushes and a fountain in the middle of the drive way. I was stunned, my mouth gaped open, from just looking at this place

"Close your mouth babe, we don't want you catching any flies". Adam chuckled.

We got out the car and walked into the mansion. 

"Gorgeous". I whispered when I got inside 

"I know". Adam whispered in my ear and I shivered. "want a tour?"

I nodded and followed him around the house. Everything was big, from the Kitchen to the living room 

'Sure that's not the only big thing in this house'. Aysel purred

'What the hell! you're a freak!'

'someone has to be the freaky one'

I growled back and  shut her out. 

"Your house is really big, how do you manage to memorize the whole place?" I asked 

"The same way you memorized yours", he chuckled 

"Where will I sleep?"

"With me of course, that's if you want to"

"Well, why not, we will be sleeping together in the future anyway"

He gave me a grin then pulled me in to a passionate kiss, the kiss was slow and loving, our first kiss wasn't like this one. This one was filled with a lot of passion and I loved it.

We pulled away from each other gasping for breath. I placed my forehead on his, and I  looked into his eyes, he looked back at me with love and lust and I'm sure that my eyes was the same.

"Adam, I want you to mark me"

"Aria, are yo-"

"Yes, I am sure, I want you to mark me and claim me as yours"

He didn't need to be  told twice, he was already giving me soft kisses, from my jaw to my neck. He found the spot where he would mark me and sucked it, causing me to give him a small moan and I'm sure he's smirking.

His canines grazed my sweet spot, then he bit down. The pain was excruciating for a second, but was now pleasurable. He licked it, to stop the blood, then gave me a peck on the lips

"You have to mark me to", he said breathless

I nodded my head, then slowly started to suck his sweet spot, he was groaning and it caused me to giggle a little. My canines grew and I bit down, he made a painful noise but then started to moan again. I licked away the blood and looked him in the eye. Our bond has gotten stronger, I could feel it 

I was getting tired and so was he. "come on let's go to bed and rest"

I followed him upstairs as we stopped by a door. He opened it and, I was immediately hit by his scent. I ran inside and jumped on the bed, I heard him chuckle

"That bed is getting more love than me", he pouted

"Nonsense, you will always get all of my love, but tonight, the bed is getting it" 

He gave me a weird look, then burst out laughing with me following after.

I changed into one of his jerseys and slipped into the bed. He came out the bathroom with just a boxers, causing me to blush. He smirked and got into the bed. 

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I couldn't help but realize that we fit together like a puzzle, I smiled at that thought

"You know, I have to introduce you to the pack tomorrow"

My smile instantly faded

"Do you have to?"

"Yes, yes I do, my pack has to meet their luna"

I sighed and nodded my head. He gave me a kiss on my temple

"Goodnight princess"

"Goodnight Adam"


I am very sorry for not being active and I am not going to make promises and say I will because, we both know that I wouldn't be able to keep it, but please bare with me on this 

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