Part 24

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"W-where is your pants?" I asked with my hands covering my eyes

"Pants?" He answered with a question

"Yes, you know, like what I'm wearing" I said gesturing to my pants

"I'm sorry, I have been a wolf my whole life, this is the first time I have shifted, I didn't even know that I could shift until a woman came to me in a dream" He said 

"Wait, so you know nothing about human lifestyle?" I asked 

"I do not" He answered "I only know of haunting and fighting"

"Well we better get you some clothes" I sighed "What are you doing here anyways?"

"The woman in my dream told me to look for you and help you and to stick by your side. She bestowed some knowledge unto me so I know what I'm doing and how to help you" He said following me to the pack house

"The moon goddess" I murmured 

"May I ask who is that?" He questioned

"That's my mother, the creator of all werewolves" I answered

"So is she my mother as well?" He asked

I laughed "I guess you can say that"

"Aria who is this?"

'what does he want?'

"That's none of your business Adam" I grumbled continuing to walk

"Actually it is, he is in my pack" he argued "are you that mad at me, you searched for a hook up to get me mad"

I stopped in my tracks, Eric bumping into me in the process

"Are you ok Aria?" Eric asked looking worried " is he getting you angry?"

He looks so adorable when he is worried

"I'm fine Eric" I gave a small smile "let's go"

"Aria I'm talking to you, don't walk away from me!" Adam growled "do you wanna be known as the pack slut?!"

Now that pissed me off

I picked up a good size rock and threw it at him. It him in the face, I could see the blood dripping as he holds his head and groaned in pain

" Have some respect, I'm gonna be goddess soon and I'm not going to tolerate the disrespect!" I growled.

'This doesn't sound like me'

'Cuz it isn't you' Aysel commented

'where have you been?' I asked

'lets not talk about that now' she argued 'you shouldn't get mad, calm down or go to Eric'

'why should I go to Eric' I asked

'just go'

I ran and lunged into Eric's arms, he gave me a comforting feeling that calmed me down. He hugged me back as well and placed his head in my neck, breathing in my scent.

"Aria, no" I heard Adam growl from behind me "I'm not loosing you, not again"

He shifted and lunged towards Eric but he was to slow. Eric moved out of the way and placed me on the floor

"I will protect you Aria" He promised and shifted mid air, landing on Adam in the process

Eric was much bigger than Adam and was faster.

Everyone gathered around watching the scene

"What's going on?" Micheal asked with the rest of the guys following behind

"Adam is fighting my friend Eric" I said pointing towards the fight "we need to stop them"

"You can't get in the way of a alpha and it's prey Aria" he said placing a hand on my shoulder "we just have to wait and see"

The question I wanna ask is....

' who's going to win?'

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