Killer Truths: Chapter Twenty - Six ~ Grade-A Psychopath

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Everyone watched Kingsley as he leaned back on the couch and sighed.

“Any questions?” He asked.

“Wow,” Neville stared, “I understand, that was a perfect explanation.” He smiled.

“Okay, now you can continue.” Kingsley nodded towards Ginny.

She nodded back. “Well, one of my last assignments before I left England was for a witch. It was discovered that she was a Death Eater during the Second War but she told the Ministry that she was forced into it being under the Imperius curse and was made to do many evil and terrible things.”

“So unoriginal,” Pansy snorted.

“That’s what I said.” Draco chuckled.

“Er – sorry to interrupt but Death Eaters?” Thomas asked suddenly.

“Americans…” Blaise teased.

“I’ve told you about them.” Amélie told him. “Even though I wasn’t born then I heard a lot about them from Mom, Uncle George and Luna, plus they talked about it a Liatris, Thomas; they were Voldemort’s followers.”

“Ah, yeah, that’s right. I remember now.” Thomas nodded, “Continue.”

Ginny smiled and went on, “Well, after escaping prosecution after the Final Battle, the witch disappeared for a year or two until about a week before she was given to me. Rumors were going around and it turned out that not only did she personally seek out Voldemort but she willingly volunteered her services. She kidnapped and happily tortured and killed muggles and magical folk alike.”

Luna, George and Neville gasped.

“That’s horrible!” Luna cried.

“It gets worse,” Draco muttered.

“You know about this?” Amélie asked curiously.

“Yes, Red and I talked about our assignments once.” He explained.

“You did what?” Kingsley and Jeff jumped to their feet.

“Oh, c’mon,” Ginny rolled her eyes.

“You’re not supposed to discuss your assignments with anyone but the Ministers.” Kingsley frowned.

“Everyone discusses their assignments with others.” Colm chuckled. “We do it all the time.” He shrugged.

“Well, you’re not supposed to.” Jeff shook his head but sighed, “Kingsley, we can’t say we’re surprised.”

“I guess not.” Kingsley sighed. Anyway, please go on.” He told Ginny.

“So, even more rumors continued to circulate and then there was that attempt of a mass breakout at Azkaban two years after the Final Battle. The Aurors found out that she was behind it and they sent a team to bring her in. She killed almost the entire group. I had known all of them. They had been in my Auror training group.”

“Oh, sweet Merlin,” Amélie whispered.

“Yes, it was terrible.” Ginny sighed. “So then one morning, Kingsley called me into his office.” She looked over at the man. He frowned and Ginny knew that he had figured out who it was. “He personally assigned the witch to me and I was so glad that he had. She deserved it.” Ginny’s eyes narrowed as she remembered the woman. “And when I caught up to her, before I completed the assignment, I explained why it was happening so that she understood. She laughed, she bloody laughed then told me “They all deserved it. The witches and wizards were blood-traitor and the muggles, well, they deserved just for breathing, just for existing, just for polluting our planet.” Can you believe that? What kind of human being would say something like that? So of course I did it. Of course I killed Marietta Edgecombe. Merlin only knows how many more people who have died if I didn’t!”

“Ginny! That’s enough.” Draco grabbed her around the shoulders and shook her softly, pulling her out of her memories.

“Mom, are you okay?” Amélie asked worriedly.

Ginny closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She nodded then opened her eyes. “Yes, I’m okay.”

“So, this is all about Marietta Edgecombe?” Blaise asked with confusion.

“Yes, it would seem so.” Draco frowned.

“Did she go to Hogwarts?” Luna asked, “Her name sounds familiar.”

“Yes, she was in D.A.” Ginny answered.

“D.A.?” Colm asked.

“Dumbledore’s Army! Wow, that was ages ago!” George laughed.

“It definitely was.” Ginny smiled.

“What is that?” Colm asked.

“Dumbledore’s Army was like a… training club to learn how to protect ourselves against Voldemort when the Ministry and the old Minister were against us learning real Defense Against the Dark Arts.” Luna explained.

“It was stupid,” Pansy shrugged.

“It was not! You’re only saying that because you weren’t in it. If I remember correctly, no Slytherin was in it. You were all part of that Inquisitorial Squad. Now that was stupid.” Neville snorted.

“Oh, shut up, Longbottom.” Draco rolled his eyes.

“Man, sounds like a tough time.” Thomas frowned as absorbed everything he had heard.

Wait… Marietta Edgecombe? The one who ratted on the D.A.? That Marietta Edgecombe?” Neville asked in shock.

“The one and only,” Ginny nodded.

“Did she still have SNEAK marked on her forehead?” Luna asked curiously.

“Yes,” Ginny grinned, “it definitely was still there.”

“What was this Marietta Edgecombe’s relationship with Cho Chang that has her swearing death on you, mom?” Amélie asked. She was happy that it was all starting to make sense but that didn’t make the situation go away. This madwoman still wanted her mother dead.

“They were friends, best friends.” Ginny explained.

“Meaning they were lesbian lovers,” Blaise muttered.

“It does not,” Pansy replied.

“Maybe…” Ginny mumbled. “She was crazy out of her mind with grief or something. Honestly, it doesn’t matter if Cho was in love with her or they were just friends.” She explained.

“Yeah, she still wants you dead.” Amélie frowned.

“It’s not going to happen,” everyone said at the same time.

For a second, they all stared at each other then broke out into laughter. Amélie watched in disbelief. She couldn’t figure out how they could all laugh at a time like this. Her mother had been kidnapped, yeah, maybe that had been part of a plan but she had been beaten and bloodied and almost raped by her evil grandfather and a grade-A psychopath witch. They wanted her mother dead, her father too and they wanted to keep her to train her into a psychopath too! How could they all be laughing at a time like this? Amélie cried internally.

“Don’t think about the bad things…” Draco whispered to her.

She looked up into his eyes and sighed. “How can I not? They completely outnumber the good.”

“That’s not true. You have new friends, more family, your dad back,” he winked playfully. “And Thomas, I guess.” He frowned then shot a glare at the teenager.

Amélie smiled, “that’s true. Thanks, dad.”

Draco smiled widely, “no problem, kid.” He ruffled her hair playfully.


Hello, hello everyone! i know it's been awhile but i started writing and guess what? this chapter came to be! hope you enjoyed it! let me know what you think!

Peace & Love,

Emmalee <3

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