Chapter 30

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Sg's Pov

  "Okay Brunei, you got this!" I cheered on.

  Brunei kept giving me nervous looks as I pushed him forward. We stood at the end of the cafeteria, it was after school and I was just helping Brunei. Hong Kong was at the other end, chatting with Taiwan.

  "You'll do fine, I can accompany you if you want," I offered.

  Bru nodded, I followed behind him as I let him lead the way. I stood about five feet away just acting as a support. I saw Taiwan point behind Hong as the both of them paused their conversation.

"Oh hey Bru!" Hong greeted quickly while smiling brightly.

"Uh," I saw Brunei hesitated, "hiareyoufreetohangouttomorrow?"

Brunei blurted before spinning around and hiding behind me quickly. I patted Bru while throwing Hong a somewhat nervous smile. Hong had a puzzled look but it soon changed into another smile.

"Of course!"

Brunei stood up straight at the response in surprise.

"See you tomorrow then," Hong quickly said, turning back to Taiwan.

"Good job, Bru," I congratulated, "anyway, come on."

Brunei nodded and followed me out of school. It was a quiet walk, both of us kept silent. We only spoke once we reached home. I told Bru that I'd cook before he left to go upstairs. I just quickly made some noodles and ate some small snacks just before I went to call Bru to eat.

  Brunei tried to get me to eat with him but I insisted not too and quickly went back to my room, my mind on other matters. I sat down on my bed, glancing around, not really sure what I should be thinking.

  Does North hate me now? It's only been two days and started he ignoring me and giving me cold glares. I let out a loud sigh, maybe he's in a bad mood? I shook my head, but he'd tell me, wouldn't he? I scratched my head and grumbled in frustration, planting my face onto my pillow.

  I laid in bed while I allowed my phone alarm to continue ringing noisily. I should be studying now, I reached out to my dresser and turned off my alarm before throwing my phone on the bed, who cares, exams are over, I can skip studying.

  I got up and glanced out of the window. The sky was darkening slowly as the sun went to bed. I quickly took out a small note and wrote on the paper before putting it on Bru's bed like I did last time before lying in bed and facing the wall.

It was too early to go to bed but I wanted to avoid a conversation so I relaxed as I waited until my body drifted off to sleep.

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