Chapter 6

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Sg's Pov

[Singapore] Hello, are you free the chat?
Delivered, 9P.M.

  I placed my handphone at the side of the bed, on my little dresser. I continued to study, my paper on my clipboard.

  "Are you going to sleep soon?"

I looked up from my worksheet and glanced across the room. All the asean members shared the house but there were limited amount to rooms. Due to this, I was sharing with Brunei. I didn't mind though, he was the closest friend I had so far. He slept across the room on a different bed. His nightlight was switched off, the only source of light came from my lamp.

"Soon," I replied.

The yellow country nodded before turning around to look at the wall. I continued to do the worksheets I had taken out without really caring about the time. After a long while, I had finished two worksheets when I heard a buzz from my phone. I looked at the notification and placed my things aside, packing up my bag for the next day before picking up my phone and sitting up on my bed.

[N.Korea] Yeah, how about you? It's 10P.M.

[Singapore] I'm free to chat for a while

[N.Korea] Can we get to know each other better?

  [Singapore] Would you like to meet up tomorrow after school? Or chat now?

  [N.Korea] Well...are you free tomorrow after school?

  [Singapore] Yeah, I could take a break from studying, let's meet up tomorrow.

  [N.Korea] Alright!

  [Singapore] I'm going to go sleep now, see you tomorrow, good night!
Read, 10.23P.M.

  I charged my phone and switched off my nightlight. It was pretty quiet, I could hear Bru's little snores, I smiled and went to sleep.

"Umm, Singa?"

I blinked, my vision was still a little fuzzy from sleep. I managed to make out Bru's voice.


"It's time to get up, you didn't respond to your alarm as you usually would," Brunei replied, his hand still on my hand.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Brunei walked out quickly. I stretched and stood up, going to the bathroom with my clothes to get ready. I saw Viet walk out of the bathroom.

  "Morning," I greeted, my eyes half closed.

  "Morning, Singa," Viet replied cheerfully.

  I quickly rinsed and freshened up. I changed into my pink top and jeans. I brushed my teeth before leaving to go back to my bedroom.

  "There's food downstairs," Brunei said as I entered the room.

  "It's okay, i'm not that hungry," I replied.

  "Alright then..." Bru studied me, "oh you're wearing the shirt we gave you for your birthday!"

  "Uh, yeah," I scratched my head, I actually didn't realise and randomly took a shirt to wear.

  I grabbed my phone and bag, leaving the room first and headed downstairs. I saw Thai, Laos and Cam wearing their shoes, about to leave the house. I sat down with Vietnam and just took a sandwich seeing as I still had time before school.

  Vietnam and I went to the front door when Brunei came down. We wore our shoes and left, Vietnam putting on her little bow.

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