Chapter 8

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Canada's Pov

I stretched as I lifted my head from my desk. It was the last five minutes of school until I was free for the day. I saw a couple of my classmates began to pack up their bags, leaving their pencil case on the table just in case they needed to write something.

The last minutes of class was boring though, it was just the teacher rambling about something, he even released my class a few minutes late. I returned Poland her pen which I borrowed because mine ran out if ink. I found Ukraine waiting outside my class. We made our way to the cafeteria as I looked at my phone.

[Thai 🌸] Hey I was released earlier, I went to put my bag at home first, I'll wait outside the school instead.

"Come on, Thai said she's waiting outside the school instead."

I held Ukraine's hand as I led him out of the school. I caught Thailand "admiring" the place, looking at the people walking around and the cars which drove past our school.

"Hey Thai!" I waved.

"Hi again," she laughed, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, I don't wanna stand under the hot sun," I joked.

  We walked under the scorching sun for a bit until we found some shelter to walk under. Thailand insisted to carry my file which I held along with my bag. To me, it was a little heavy so I was skeptical about letting the smaller country hold it. After a lot of persisting, I let Thai hold my file. We chatted a little so that it wouldn't be so awkward, just walking in silence. Ukraine said that he liked Thai's purse and Thai said that she liked Ukraine's flower crown which he always wore.

  While walking to the mall, we went past the park where I spotted two of Thai's friends or siblings eating some ice cream together, I saw Thai smile to herself. When we reached the mall, it wasn't too crowded, I went to the washroom to cool down and get rid of my sweat. We all decided to hang around at the café. Ukraine and Thailand got some iced coffee while I bought some snacks which the stall sold.

While talking, I paused when I saw my brother's friend sitting at the table opposite us and another country whom I saw Thai talking to before.

"Is that your friend?" I asked softly, it felt like a whisper.

Thailand looked at where I pointed as I quickly withdrew my hand so as to not look suspicious. Thailand seemed a little puzzled and looked back, nodding.

"Yeah, do you know who the other one is?"

"Well, he's my brother's friend," I explained briefly, "I haven't seen him smile like that to anyone honestly."

I shrugged and we began to do some homework we got. I helped Thailand with some questions as Ukraine helped me with some too. We spent about one or two hours there and left a few minutes after Thailand's friend left.

"Thanks for helping me with my work," Thai said quickly.

"No problem, if you need any help, Ukraine and I are here," I smiled, Ukraine nodded in agreement.

How do we say this? (Nk x Sg)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن