Chapter 26

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  "Heyy..!" I said awkwardly as I opened the door.

  Brunei stood in front of me, he seemed confused. We stood in silence until I invited him in.

  "I saw your text," I began, placing a cup of water on the table for Brunei, "you know? I think North is right. You do stand a much better chance at being with her, you're the closest to her and always have been."

  Brunei nodded, he took the cup but didn't drink, "But what if she decides to choose someone else...?"

  "You're still young..." I paused, choosing my words, "anyway...I'll be here for you!"

  Brunei smiled before taking a sip of water, "thanks."

  I grinned back and sat down on the sofa next to him. I took my phone as the other country leaned on my shoulder. I just played some quiet instrumental music and placed my phone on the table. I glanced through the corner of my eyes to see Brunei just staring in front while he kept scratching his arm a little. I placed my hand on his, getting him to stop scratching. Suddenly, Brunei's phone flickered, he sat up and glanced down at it.

  "Oh it's Singa," he stated, showing me his messages.

  I looked at it and tilted my head to one side for a bit before giving a tiny smile.

  "See? she's worried and cares about you," I said, "you should go later."

  "I definitely will," he nodded while giggling.

  My smile grew wider, you're so cute when you're happy. I sighed and shook my head, what am I thinking?

  "Hong, you alright?" Brunei asked, looking up at me.

  "Yeah, of course," I replied quickly.

Author's Notes :
Don't worry, don't worry, this will stay as a Sg x NK story xD
jk no, I...I actually find Brukong cute now-
* Xeron.exe has stopped working *
>oh no, how will the story be updated now-
anyway yeah-
just wanted to say that-
cya xD
(I don't want to kill anyone or get rid of anyone, I'll feel bad :(( )
anyway, now see y'all cx

How do we say this? (Nk x Sg)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat