Chapter 18

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Sg's Pov

  I opened the house door to find the television turned on as the volume was pretty loud. I walked into the living room after taking off my shoes to see all the asean members watching something except for Brunei. I looked around, Philip glanced at me.

  "Welcome back home," Mal calls.

  "What are you guys watching?" I asked as I walk behind the sofa.

  "A random movie we found," Viet replied.

  "We were waiting for you to come back," Indo says quickly.

  "Well I'm sorry," I apologised.

  "It's okay," Philip smiles, "go call Bru then come to the dining table."

  I nodded and walked up the stairs to my room. I saw Brunei underneath his blanket, the room was dark, the lights were switched off. It was pretty quiet, I heard a sniffle come from Bru's side. Is he crying? I close the door which made a little sound, I saw Bru pull down the blanket and sit up, glancing over at me and rubbing his eyes.

  "Oh hi, you're back!" Brunei said in a cheery tone.

  "Uh yeah, the others wanted you to go downstairs to the dining table."

  Brunei got up and left first. He took out his ear pieces and left them with his phone on the bed. When he left, I went to his bed and turned on his phone. I grew a bit worried when I saw the song he was half way listening to was one of those sad or depressing songs. I shook my head, it's just music, I quickly went down to the dining area. We all stood around the dining table as Vietnam and Malaysia sat down.

  "Happy birthday!"

  I turn to see Philip holding a birthday cake before placing it on the table in front of Viet and Mal. I smiled, of course! How could I forget? Mal's birthday was two days ago but I think they wanted to celebrate it together. We sung a birthday song and had them make wishes as usual. I quickly went up to my room to grab the presents I had made a few days before but I totally forgot about it. I went back down to pass them to the pair while kind of apologising to Mal.


Author's note :
It's not following the exact days in real life. I'm writing way more than publishing, as of when I write this, it's 2 September, Vietnam's National Day. and It's when I publish chapter 5, anyway cya!

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