Chapter 29

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North's Pov

  I knocked on the door which I stood out of, unsure of who would open it. I heard a familiar voice from inside shouting for someone before the door opened.

  "Hey, you actually visited," Russia began, laughing a little.

  "Of course," I replied, looking behind Rus to see my Ukrainian friend with his little flower crown on his head.

  "Come in," Russia quickly said, laughing a little more before pulling me in and closing the door.

"How have you guys been?" I began.

Ukraine only nodded before walking away into his room. Rus watched his brother leave before turning back to me.

"Canada's here," Russia replied apologetically, "anyway, I've been doing well, you?"

"Good too," I said, planting myself down on their couch, "Where's Ame?"

"He went over to your house, don't you know?" there was a pinch of confusion in his voice.

I blinked and shook my head, "He's probably spending time with South then."

"Most likely," Russia replied, nodding, "want some?"

  Rus placed a vodka bottle on the table as he drank one cup. I shrugged and took the extra cup which he left on the table before drinking it.

"So what brings you here?" Russia asked.

"Just a surprise visit," I replied.

"Well it's paying back, isn't it?" Russia laughed.

"More or less, yup!" I nodded, "are you ready for the holidays?"

"Of course I am," He said quickly, "who wouldn't be? Just one more week of school and we're free!"

We began chatting just like we did on my house roof that night. Pausing in between when Rus went to keep the cups and the bottle. We did watch the television for a bit while commenting on the show we were watching.

After about an hour, we went to get something to eat with the other lovebirds. While we ate, I checked in with the couple, Canada answered most of the questions though. When we were done, the two decided to continue to hang around the mall so Rus and I went back to his house to continue to spend time together.

We sat on the couch again as we looked for things to talk about. We were chatting happily but it changed suddenly.

Russia glanced at me before looking back at the table, "bro have you heard about this rumour in school, you're involved."

I blinked, "what?"

Author's notes :
Please tell me of any mistakes, I wrote this late at night cause tomorrow's the publishing day -w-
Cya people uwu

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