Chapter 16

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Brunei's Pov

I was at the dining table eating my cereal as Mal, Phil and Indo were making noise in the kitchen. Hong Kong had come earlier and was sitting on the sofa in front of our television just using his phone, the television was switched off. Thai and her siblings left to go somewhere a few minutes ago. Viet was probably still in her room.

I sighed, it was a little boring as my friend wasn't around. She couldn't have gone anywhere, could she? There weren't many places I knew that she would hang out at unless she left to the library to study or something.

[Brunei] Hey where are you?
Delivered, 10A.M.

  I waited for a bit but there was no reply. I sighed and placed my phone down as I quickly finished my cereal. By then, the three were cooking something and they didn't make any more noise. I washed my bowl and spoon before heading to the sofa. When I sat down, I got a notification.

[Singa❣️] Hey, sorry, I left earlier, I might come home late today.

  I responded with an "okay" before turning to Hong Kong. Both of us began staring at each other and it quickly became awkward.

  "Hi," I said awkwardly, I was a little uncomfortable with all the staring anyway.

  "Hey," Hong replied, looking away.

  I relaxed and began a normal conversation. Hong asked me about school, after all, my first week's passing and then he asked about the holidays. I moved here during the holidays early since Uncle Asean had to settle some things and he wanted us to familiarise the area as well before we actually joined the school. I told Hong about my journey to the neighbourhood.

  Most of the asean family were texting the other friends they had, Singa was texting him (Him being Hk) as he knew, Indo with Neth and Philip with Spain. We spoke for a few minutes before Viet came to sit with us as well. After a while, we agreed to do our homework.

Hong sat opposite us on the dining table while I sat next to Vietnam. Both of us were on the same topic for math so we just decided to do that. Once a while, we asked Hong to help us. China came over after while saying that Viet invited him over. I don't think Chi's and Hong's friendship was stable since they kept giving each other these looks but both of them helped us with our work until we were done.

How do we say this? (Nk x Sg)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora