Timeline - Chp 11-20

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11th Chapter (Important)

- This chapter is when the Asean fam officially joins the classes in school

- North went to class first (Original plan : No particular reason)

- While going to class, something rough happened. So he's mostly looked down and all that, let's just say, a fight broke out between him and some countries. (Original plan : he was hit and got upset)
Basically, the other countries started it.

- Going to class and hearing the teacher shouting, it was because he was blamed and since the countries which started it had a good reputation, the teacher believed them.

- In class when South was worried and saw him take something from his bag, it was a blade.

- North had his arm over his stomach as he was hurt there.

- Russia did console him a tiny bit

- teacher finds North over dramatic, like wow teacher seriously shdisbxjs

- Y'know some teachers' policy? 1 student out of the class at once—
Teacher didn't let South go also because he knows that they're brothers so-
Don't ask, this teacher seems so stupid wth—

- Blood that South saw was NOT because North cut, he was bleeding due to an injury cause by the fight. The fight was rough anyway, lets just say, there was a not-so-big-but-not-so-small cut there near/at his stomach area and yeah.

(A side story features this chapter but in Singa's view point but is incomplete as of now 17/1/2020)

- Singa is in Vietnam and Netherlands' class
(bonus : if you read my new story, same class as Cuba, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland and Sweden)

- At the time, the class was doing group work. Viet, Neth and Singa were a group.

- I swear their teacher is so much nicer lmao-

- Singa was coming out of the washroom when North ran past (the boys one is next to the girls wash room but from the classrooms, its a few steps behind)

- Singa was ignored but managed to catch North's pained expression

North isn't anywhere to be seen in the washroom as the next period, Singa's class was having recess, when the bell rang, Singa was talking with North, prolly at a stairway or somewhere secluded, idk

Chapter 12 (One of my fave chapters omg)

- Just a normal day, Saturday. The previous chapter happened on Friday.

- Y'know, Singa, Bru and Hk just at the park.

- Box with the cloth inside (obviously if you've read the story) is the thing North wears on the cover page
(Inspired by @/happyseokii on ig qwq
This story was also made partially cause she inspired me to do it eidjshxbn)

- Nothing else happened with the three of them other than the mentioned things in the chapter.

- After they packed up, they went back to the Asean house basically.

- During this time, South is at home still trying to convince North to come out of his room (as mentioned in the next chapter)

- North at this time isn't ready to face his brother and refuses to go out.

- One time, like in the afternoon when its way to quiet and South is still screaming, North had left the house using the window (mentioned in another chapter) to go eat (c'mon he's human okay-)

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