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Lais/Dally POV

"Miss Dallas you are Pregnant"


You can see Prince face . He's in shock .
I'm not exited nor angry. It's a natural feeling . I just turned 16 in April. I always wanted a child when I'm older .

"You are going to get an ultra sound. We will see how far along you are. I will see if your having pain from being ectopic "

We proceeded with the ultrasound.

"Well you're baby is growing at a normal rate. The expansion of the uterus is giving you cramps which should be gone by the end of next week"

"Thank The Lord"

We all chuckled to my comment .

"You are 3 and a half months pregnant and do you want to know the gender"


"It's a He"


" Most mothers want a girl."'

" I want a girl later but I know if she's the only child for a while she gonna be a brat. The boys are easier to be the first child"

If I'm going to have a child make the best of it.
Jay had hugged me

"Would you like pictures of him "

"Yes, Thank you."

We waited for her to bring the pictures.

"Wow I can't imagine you being mother"

"I don't believe I'm pregnant. period"

"What your momma gonna say"

"She just gonna ask me if I did it on purpose "

"What about your dad"

"He gonna go crazy . Like he did on my momma."

"What he do "

"He beat her ass until she had. a miscarriage" .

"So how do you have little sisters ."

"She kept 5 ra secret and the others one were lied on. She said it was my aunts daughter but she took care of her"

"So why aren't you dead"

"I was a secret"

"Of Foreal . You aren't the oldest"

"No I'm the 2nd youngest."

The pictures came back . It was 11 so I'm gonna hang with Prince for the rest of the day.

"Prince, Ima drive back"

"Imaa come over"

"Alright. Why don't we drop ya car off and then I'll take you to mine and you stay the night. "


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