Chap. 24

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Lais POV

In the elevator it is quiet .

"Have I brought you to see it."


I don't think I showed anyone but Ray.

"Wow you aren't organized"

"That's what you here for. What room you wanna start with."

"The bed room . It has the most heaviest things."

We clean up . I put the pushing the headboard and hes doing the dresser because it's heavier. I put everything on the bed up. I'll fold them clothes up later. Next we do the kitchen. All we are doing is putting the plates in the cabinets. Next was the babies room. Its the only room that has white  carpet. We all get excited over it.

"You know yesterday Ray made me think."

"About what?"

"Whats his last  name gonna be."

"Why'd you have to think"

"It's not normal to make the child have the mothers last name. But Roc is such a motherfucking asshole-- Oops"

"What you say oops for"

"I suppose to stop cussing because the baby can hear ."

"So why are you worried about his last name"

"Like I said, It's abnormal for him to have my last name"

"Give him your moms last name"

"Kevin Cox, doesn't sound right"

"I like the name Kevin"

"Yea I thought it was pretty simple"

"Lais, don't worry about his last name. I''m pretty sure last names doesn't affect your life."

"It does"

Water works were starting to run.

"I always imagined be married before I had a child"

"Maybe it's better for you"


"You realizes who's a douche and who isn't . You realize who loves you for you."

"Foreal who?"

"He's next to you"

"Jay what is you talking about."

"I pretty sure you noticed I liked you"


"Well anyways if you wanna , you could be wifey"

"Stop acting hard but sure"

"Good now I could do this with no guilt."

Next thing I know them lips are on mine . 

~Sorry y'all for this dumb chapter. But I have the stomach flu , so I just tried to get this Chap done.  

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