Chapter 20: The Last Ten

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"Good," she says. "Because we're down to ten dancers."

"WHAT?!" multiple dancers exclaim, myself included.

"What the hell happened?!" Neil gapes.

"Dianne moved to B Troupe and Lola's quit the studio because apparently drama was taking over from dance and it wasn't a healthy environment for her," Shirley says, her glare landing on me. "And quite frankly I agree. Just because Joe and Dianne have started some absolutely pathetic war over a teenage girl does NOT mean everyone else has to be chaotic too." Her gaze suddenly stops at Neil, who looks guilty as hell. "Lola tells me you're the one who told Joe to date Sophia, is that right Neil?" Neil says nothing. "That's exactly what stirring the pot is. This could've been over with but instead of leaving it well enough alone you decided to make it explode and cause not one but two dancers to quit the team and they cannot be replaced. All it takes now is ONE injury and we're no longer eligible for Nationals. Never in my ENTIRE British Dance Company career have I EVER had to deal with this sort of mess. It's ridiculous, and I can't BELIEVE I'm having to say this! Now, you are going to work here until midnight and you'll be here for extra rehearsals tomorrow. Have I made myself clear?"

Everyone nods. Shirley can get really angry at times, and it's literally scary.

"Get your shit together and get Dianne back on this team," Jack glares at me the moment Shirley's left. "This is fucking ridiculous. And once you two are back as the happy Joanne couple, you're going to get Lola back and we're going to have our full twelve dancers again. Okay?"

"She won't even look at me," I hiss. "How am I meant to get through to her?!"

"Find a fucking way," Jack says, and turns his back on me. The rest of the team does the same, leaving only me and Neil. I look at him, and he looks back at me. We share the same, crestfallen and shameful look. This is our fault, and it might cost us Nationals.

Dianne's PoV
I feel even worse when I hear that Lola quit the team too. I know full well it's because of me. But it wouldn't be healthy for me to just fling myself into Joe's arms again and act like everything is okay.

"Dianne?" I spin on my heels to face the person I want to see the least. Joe.

"What?" I grumble. I owe him a conversation after all this.

"I'm so so so sorry," he says, his voice cracking. I've never seen him look so vulnerable. "I love you, and you know Sophia never meant anything to me at all. I only went to the movies with her because I was jealous of you and Mikey and I wanted to get back at you which was dumb and stupid and immature and pathetic, and I'm so so sorry. Sophia is nothing to me, and she never has been. I only love you, Dianne. It's always been you. Please, please come back to the team. We need you. I need you."

I stare at him for a moment. I can tell he meant every word of what he said.

"I'm sorry too," I whisper. "I shouldn't have dated Mikey. He means nothing to me either. I was just so angry. And quite honestly I still am. I can't come back to A Troupe for Nationals. Not now. Please just give me time and space. But I promise I won't date Mikey anymore. He was a gross kisser anyway."

Joe winces, and I can immediately tell he's not even thought about the possibility of Mikey and I having shared a kiss. I can also tell he's not let Sophia touch him again, despite literally going on a date with her. I can't hate Joe. No matter how much I want to, I can't.

"How much time and space do you want?" Joe asks quietly.

"I'm not sure," I say truthfully.

"Is there a possibility you'll be back for Nationals?" he looks at me, his eyes pleading.

"It's unlikely," I respond. "The chances are slim to none actually. I think it's just better for me for now."

"That's not a no," he says, his eyes lighting up.

"It's not a yes either," I point out. I'm not sure why he's getting his hopes up.

"But it wasn't a no," and this time he grins that grin I fell in love with. He starts walking backwards towards the door, and as he turns he yells, "Just you wait, Buswell! I'm gonna get you back!"

I'm not sure if he means get me back on the team or get me back with him. Maybe both. But I'm interested to see if he can pull either off. It'll take a small miracle.

Oh dear they only have 10 members left and even if Dianne comes back who's to say someone else could be out...?
We're on the path to reuniting Joanne again though :)

In further news, I just started a channel that's like 'grey booktube' bc it'll be predominantly booktube but I'll also be uploading other videos bc there's a few I wanted to share! If you could subscribe I would love you forever:

See you soon with a new chapter!
Bee xo

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