Chapter 14: Three New Members

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Joe's PoV
I'd promised Dianne I'd bring in the two annoying cheerleaders and let them go around our classes for the day. I'd spoken to Shirley and Alesha and they'd both agreed it was okay. As it would turn out, Alesha likes Dianne a lot more now that she turned up to her gymnastics class when almost no one else did.
So, the following day I find myself escorting Alice McCauley and Rosie Jeavons into a 4pm beginners ballet class, Dianne firmly at my side to make sure I'm nice to them. The audacity she has not to trust me.

"I've always wanted to go to dance, you know," Alice smiles as she puts on some ballet slippers we've lent her. She looks around the studio in absolute awe, and I have to admit, it was quite nice to see.

"I went to ballet when I was younger, but I was absolutely appalling at it," Rosie laughs. "It could be cool to try again though."

"WHAT?!?!" Lola's screams could probably be heard as far as Antarctica.

"What the?" Dianne peers round the door into the foyer. "Oh my god."

"What?" I ask, going to look too. There's Lola and another girl standing next to Shirley. I've never seen Lola look so mad and Shirley is looking about to explode too. The other girl looks extremely smug, and I immediately dislike her. Lola spots Dianne and I peering round the door and comes over to us.

"I'm fuming," she says, marching into the centre of the ballet studio. Alice and Rosie look absolutely bewildered.

"I promise this doesn't happen every day," Dianne assures them, though they're not looking convinced.

"That...that, DEMON of a girl is joining OUR STUDIO," Lola shrieks. "There is NO WAY I'm going to stand for this."

"Who is she?" I ask, completely lost.

"Her name is Tilly Lancaster and she is the literal spawn of satan," Lola says. "She literally said two days ago that the performing arts and the creative arts were subjects for dumb people and weren't going to get you anywhere in life. One of the Photography students cried when Tilly told her she was basically doing a course on how to take a photo which is the most pathetic course ever. I was fuming. I don't want her here."

I groan. I don't need another drama queen who's a bitch to everyone around them. We had one of those five years ago and she was a nightmare to get rid of.

"Hi guys," Tilly walks into the studio. "I'll be taking this dance class now because of Lola telling me how important the arts are."

"How did you even get in?" Lola glares at her. "There's auditions, how did you pass?"

"Actually, you just sign up for beginners ballet," I say, giving Lola an apologetic look. "There's usually a waiting list though, so I'm not sure how you bypassed that."

"Secrets," she tosses her hair and puts on her ballet slippers.

"You'll need your hair in a bun if you wish to dance," I say to Tilly without any emotion. "This is a serious studio, the most prestigious in the country, and if you do one thing incorrectly you'll be kicked out. There are hundreds of people waiting to take your spot."

"Interesting," Tilly shrugs.

I hate her already, and looking at Dianne I can tell she feels the same. Lola looks even more infuriated than she had before.

"Hello, my darlings!" Livvy, the beginners ballet teacher came in, about ten more students following her. She stops and looks at me, Dianne and Lola with interest. "And what, may I ask, are three of the elite dancers doing in a beginners ballet class?"

"I was just leaving actually," Lola smiles and starts to walk out, but Livvy stops her.

"Nonsense, you can never have too much ballet," Livvy grins.

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