Chapter 7: MMMBop

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Joe's PoV:
School was positively dragging today. Maths had been a bore, English I'd almost fallen asleep, I'd spent the majority of RE staring out the window and even Art had been slow. I just have to remember this is my final year of GCSEs before I can drop those boring subjects. Also, I have PE next with Neil, and we were doing dance, so it wasn't all bad.

"My favourite class," I smile as we get changed into our PE kits.

"I mean, yeah, but we just go straight home then back out to real dance," Neil points out.

"This is like baby ballet, it's like a good warm up," I say. I always like to see the positive in every situation. Neil usually did too, but I suppose he's just tired today. Understandable.

We walk into the gym, but to our complete surprise, the girls are sat there too.

"Boys, come in, we're waiting on a few others," one of the PE teachers, Miss Lamb, says.

"Why are the girls here?" Neil asks.

"We're going to be doing duets to the song MMMBop," Miss Lamb smiles. "Boys and girls, although if you really want to you may pair up with another boy."

I seriously consider pairing up with Neil, but if we're doing ballroom dancing then I know full well I'd end up being the girl. I'm shorter than him by about three inches. The only other girls I'd like to be paired with are Zoe, Sophia or Cinzia. However, Jack immediately goes up to Cinzia and Neil nods to Zoe, so I guess I'm left with Sophia.

"Omg this is gonna be so fun!" Sophia grins. "Obviously Neil and Zoe are gonna be the best because they're both on A Troupe, but we're both still amazing dancers and I reckon we'll outdance Jack and Cinzia."

"I don't think it's a competition, Soph," I laugh.

"Everything's a competition to me," Sophia claps her hands.

However, shortly into our rehearsals, Miss Lamb notices how well some of us are dancing compared to others, and immediately separates us all.

"What, why?" Zoe moans.

"Because you can teach the others," Miss Lamb says calmly.

"But Miss, this will be so much better with people who don't have two left feet," Sophia complains.

"Yeah, can't we just demonstrate?" Neil asks.

"No," Miss Lamb replies, sounding rather agitated now.

"We're representing our region at Nationals," I say. "Can't we work on our group routine?"

"All of you?" Miss Lamb asks.

"No," Zoe says, "just me, Neil, Joe and Jack."

Miss Lamb pauses, but then nods. "Fine, you can work together, but I still want to see duets! Sophia and Cinzia, you may pair up with each other or find another male partner. I'm sure many of them would be delighted to have you."

"Ugh," Sophia grunts, marching off to Brad, an extremely, extremely annoying guy in our year. Cinzia shrugs and wanders off to find another partner.

"Shotgun Zoe," Neil says.

"What?!" Jack moans. "I don't wanna dance with Joe."

"Tough," Neil smiles, and drags Zoe off, leaving Jack and I standing there.

"Why do we have to do MMMBop?" Jack sighs. "It's ancient."

"Shut up, it's a great childhood throwback," I laugh. "Plus, we don't have to do ballroom or some shit, lets do hip hop."

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