Chapter 5: The Dances

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Music above is the song Joanne are doing their duet to. You'll definitely have heard it before, even if you don't know the title: Heart of Courage by Two Steps From Hell.

Dianne's PoV
I couldn't believe I was getting to dance with Joe again. Like, it's a dream come true.

After seeing their dance to the Two Steps From Hell song, I was interested in what other stuff they'd done.

"Song ideas?" Joe says as he bounces into Studio C where we were going to rehearse.

"What about something from Two Steps From Hell?" I ask. "I loved that song to the circus parkour dance you guys did."

"Oh my god okay so I've always wanted to do a duet to Heart of Courage," he claps his hands. "You'll definitely have heard it, hang on lemme play it real quick."

He takes out his phone and plugs it into the speakers, scrolling down his music and pressing play on the song.

"I don't recognise it," I say.

"Wait," he replies.

I wait, and within a few seconds I know I have definitely heard this song before.

"Omg it's this one!" I say, excited.

"Yeah!" he grins. "Told you you'd know it!"

"Okay YES we have to do a duet to this one," I jump up and down.

"Okay here's my idea," Joe starts, "I'm a sorcerer and you're my prisoner, and I have complete control over you, so like I move my hand in a certain way and you mimic it with a dance move, but throughout it you start trying to fight me and by the end you succeed."

"Love it," I grin. I really did. He always had the best ideas. It was one of the things I loved most about him.

"Okay, so this part I'll push my hand down," he begins.

"And I'll slide into splits," I finish.

"Yeah," Joe grins. "Then the next part I'll turn my hand."

"I'll roll out into a sitting position like this," I demonstrate.

"Oooh yes and then I'll pull my hand up like I'm pulling you up and you can push up from the floor," Joe continues.

"Like this?" I ask, then demonstrate.

"Exactly like that," he nods.

"This is gonna be so cool," I grin.

We continue working on it for the next hour, and honestly it's one of the best duets I think I've ever had the pleasure of performing. It's even better that I get to perform it with Joe too.

Lola comes dancing into the studio, telling us it's time to perform for the judges. I really do love Lola.

"You ready?" I ask my boyfriend.

"Definitely," he grins back.

We run back into the main studio, where everyone is starting to sit against the sides to form an audience.

"Ah, Joe and Dianne, brilliant," Shirley says as we walk in. "That's everyone! So, why don't we start with Anna and Ellie, then Zoe and Neil, then Amy and AJ and finish with Joe and Dianne."

Everyone nods, and Anna and Ellie take the floor. Their duet is truly beautiful. It's ballet, and they're pretending to be seeds flying through the air as they land to find a place to bloom into a flower. However, even though they're dancing en pointe, I know they won't make the Nationals duet. It's more of a kids dance and concept, and won't win at a competition. It's really pretty though; you can't take that away from them.

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