Part 14 i have you

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We arrive and payton opened my door and took my hand. He putted is hand on my eyes and said
P:,, Do you trust me ?"
Payton led me somewhere on every time it went uphill. The only thing I could think of was his eyes, his smile and his hand that I still held. After one hour what was been 10
minutes  he finally stopped. He did not take his hand from my eyes but he let go of my hand and said.
P:,, here we are."
He took his hand off my eyes and I saw a blanket lying on the floor of a hill with pillows and what at payton never have been missing his and my favorite snacks.
P:,, So sit down young Lady."
I didn't say anything I just stood there and
looked at what he made.
P:,,Y/N i said sit down please."
Y/n:,, yeah okey ."
We said down and talked a lot we ate the snacks and watched Netflix on his laptop.
P:,, so y/n! You know we have  been friends over months now and I know that I kinda messed up a lot but. The thing is that you are so amazing, kind, lovely and smart and you are just so intelligent. Okey for real at the start of our friendship I really thought you don't want to be my friend because you made every little step to be your friend hard but I worked a lot on this. And I kinda think I can call you one of my best friends. I know you and I made out before and that's really not a thing best friends would to soo. I really do like you a lot like .. like more that Friends because... when I see you I get butterflies in my stomach and when you say something cute or what ever it will be I start to blush and just by looking at you my heart melt. I know maybe there will come some times I am not the best human but I really try to be the best human I can be for you so.. y/n y/m/n y/l/n will you be my girlfriend ?"
I did after payton was ready

with his long talk nothing I just looked at him like I was completely dead but suddenly I got so much energy in my body that I jumped on him. While I was laying him saying nothing he took his phone and texted something. After like 5 minutes saying nothing just hugging him I looked in the sky and there was a big firework in the sky. It was pink after that I went red... no from the red sparks a heart suddenly
stood. And in the heart stood in the silver lettering :
"(First letter of your name) + P"
P:, so what do you mean yes or no?"
Y/n:,, oh sorry ... YESSSSSS!"
I screamed.
P:,, Good so ..."
He grabbed a black box out of his backpack that he had and opened it.
In there wore two rings and the one was definitive for me .

P:,, So this is for you

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P:,, So this is for you ."
He gave me my ring and after he gave it to me he  quickly grabbed my hand grabbed the ring from my other hand an he putted the ring on my ring finger. After he did it he grabbed his ring out of the box and putted it on his finger. All the time I just looked at him..
P:,, so do you li—-
I cut him off my kissing him really personality and gently.
P:,, wow... Ahm so ba- y/n do you—
In this moment I really didn't want him to talk so I cut him off again by kissing him. I kissed him for a long time and I swear I could feel how he smiled while I kissed him . I kissed him until he start to laugh and pulled away.
P:,, okey stop now I know I look hot and cute and super perfect but do you like what I did?"
Y/n:,,No i didn't liked it..."
P:,, Wait what i worked so hard on this."
He stared to tear up a little bit
Y/n:,, Hey hey hey i meant I Love it it is so Wonderful the firework how did you did it it was so special."
P:,, oh god don't to this again to me the firework oh the firework Ahm my mom had the idea and Parker, Dylan and Chris helped me faith helped me with this here."
Y/n:, aww I Love your Family."
P:,, i think they Love you too. But he important thing is that i love yo—- turtles."
Y/n:,, Yeah I like turtles too payton {🤔}
P:,, Whatever..."
I would say it was a little awkward between us now but I had a question in my had that wouldn't get out of it anymore.
Y/n:,, payton?"
P:,, yes?"
Y/n:,, okey with that i don't like you or whatever but I don't want to let it be so fast between us you know I want that is going a little bit slower than the first time between us you know because of the you
did to me. Is it okey ?"
P:,, i know I fucking messed up everything we had but yes we can keep it slow I would do everything for you."
Y/n:,, Good."
Y/n:,, and how should we tell our parents that we are together now?"
P:,,  oh yeah because of that you know I had to ask you mom and your dad if I can
go out with you and I maybe told them that I will ask you to be my girlfriend and they kinda aspect It that you are, when you come home again. So my mom she knows everything I mean I was the first one that knew that I had a crush on you."
Y/n:,,O M G you told my dad NO... he would tell it Antony and he is like ,hey little sister do you have you boyfriend now you know now you can have real fun, I just
hate it he always thinks just about that thing."
P:,, Bae it will be okeyyyyyy."
He noticed at the end that he said bae.
P:,, Shit... Payton she said keep it slow not call me bae!"
He talked to his self again.
Y/n:,, Hey you actually don't know how cute it is when you talk to your self BAE!!!
You said the bae part really lout."
P:,, okey bae!!"
You and him cuddled a little more until it starts to get a little cold so you decided to drive back home. You and Payton are know standing in front of your door you look in his eyes and he in yours.
Y/n:,, okey goodnight.,,
You said while giving him a kiss on his cheek.
P:,, goodnight bae."
He hugged you.
You went inside and your whole family was stand there just staring at you.
Y/n:,, okey don't say anything I just want to say I have the creepiest family ever and YES HE ASKED ME !"
I shouted while running up the stairs. while I was running I said.
Y/n:,, AIDEN in my room in 5 minutes
A:,, I will be there."
5 minutes later Somebody knocked on my door because I locked it.
Y/n:,,Who is this?"
Ant:,,It's me Aiden!"
I actually know it was Antony just trying to be Aiden so he tried to talk like Aiden.
Y/n:,, Antony i know it's you!"
Ant:,, oh common I just want to know want you and your lover dirty did.
Ant:,, okey yeah I'm going."
After 5 minutes Aiden came in. So she came in because she is the only one that has a key for my room so got I for her room.
A:,, so tell me everything about it!"
Y/n:,, so I totally forgot about that we had a date but he text me and he gave me 30 minutes more to made me ready and that
was so sweet ... ."
I told Aiden all about what happed and we just girlied around and did girly things like just talking about everything and with did a plan. The plan was that we will dress the same tomorrow and Payton have to chose one of us and he have to chose me so he have to pick out me. Because I kinda think he knows me good so I want to proof it.
We fall asleep.
*Aiden's P.O.V*
Y/n and i Fell asleep but I woke up a min ago because somebody called y/n
{ the FaceTime }
A:,, Hey payton what's up?"
P:,, hey bae! Did I waked you up?"
A:,, actually yes but why did you called me bae ?"
P:,, because you my girlfriend and — oh was it to fast I am sorry y/n I know you
said keep it slow, I am so sorry."
A:,, you are actually to sweet for y/n and your not have to apologize so a lot she don't like that and you can call her bae she likes that just don't in front of Antony never say anything in front of Antony about you and y/n or what you did because he always thinks you two did something dirty and for the future when y/n say I get it or whatever I get it than she
is mad okey."
P:,, okey stop stop stop why did you talk to like you are not my girlfriend or y/n do you want to play me?"
A:,, no I don't play I am just not y/n."
I turned the camera and showed payton
y/n sleeping ( btw she had Payton's huddie in her hand and she hold it and smelled at it so she cuddled with it.
P:,, oh you are Aiden hi nice to meet you
again I think I have to learn that my girlfriend has a twin."
A:,, I guess you like to say you have a girlfriend."
I said laughing.
P:,, yes you did not know what i did when I came back home I danced into my house my mom laughed so much I think she died in the inside so I danced of happiness. You don't want to know what I did In my room i
just keep saying I practiced for the future.
A:,, what do you mean ?"
P:,, okay it Starts win g and ends with rinded."
A:,, Payton!(I yelled) you know y/n don't likes fuck boys."
*end of Aidens P.O.V*
I woke up by somebody yelling Payton's name it was Aiden with my phone in her hand.

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