Part 5 Friends

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P:,, Y/n should I drive you home or home or to the airport ?"
Y/n:,, Yeah, can you please drive me home."
P:,, okey let me just take my board really quick."
You drove to your house with Payton you was about to enter the house when payton took your hand. You turned around, in this moment you were so close to him. I mean so close that your nose touched his. He whispered in your ear:
P:,,See you later y/n, have a Great Meeting with your Family."
Than he walked and skated to his house.
You went in your room and realized that you have a TV, you turned it on and you found Netflix. You started to look stranger things. After one hour looking stranger things you heard that someone enters the house. You ran downstairs like a little kid when mom brought you favorite ice cream.
You came downstairs and saw your sister you ran up to her and jumped on her.
A:,, Ahh! Y/n, you scared me for a second."
Y/n:,, what you don't missed me ?"
Ant :,, and me ?"
Y/n:,, Oh no the asshole is back!"[in a sarcastically way]
Y/d:,, Y/n:,, please don't Talk to your Family like that okey?"
Y/n:,, you mean I should say:the perfect always really great brother is back ?And bye welcome home dad!"
Ant&Y/d:,, would  be better !"
You all laugh
Y/n:,, Where is mom?"
Y/d:,, oh She bought Joanne back to her house"
Y/n:,, ahh the Moormeiers!"
Y/d:,, you know more of them."
Y/n:,, yeah I know her son he is my age but he is— "
Ant:,, oh my little sister has a lover or no she as a boyfriend."[he smirked while talking]
A:,  omg really? Why didn't you told me ? I mean you can tell me everything! You know tyler!"
Y/d:,, First is he really your boyfriend and seconds who is Tyler?"
Y/n:,,AIDEN! I told you not to talk about Tyler!"
Ant :,, oh common you can tell us about Tyler!"
Your mom walked in while he said that.
Y/m:,, oh you talk about tyler?"
Y/n:,, omg Mom!"
Y/m:,, Ah yea sorry honey you did don't talk about your ex boyfriend."
Y/d:, wait what he was your boyfriend?"
You ran upstairs and locked your door . After a few minutes you started to cry because of Tyler.
{okey I will explain Who Tyler is. No it's not tyler holder is a random person. So you and Tyler broke up because you moved away and you just can handled a distance relationship. You loved him with all your heart but you knew it would work out. But you weren't together that long this is why you didn't told you dad and Antony. And because people asked no Antony is not Antony Reeves is again a random person. I just thought the name is good.}
And seconds later there were knock on your door.
Y/d:,, y/n? Please open your door . I promise I wound not get mad at you just tell me I will listen."
You eyes were puffy and red from crying and you looked to the floor and didn't said anything
Y/n:,, please y/n?"
You got up and opened the door slowly and looked your that in he eyes.
Y/d:,, come here sweetheart!"
You hugged your dad really thigh and then you walked to you bed and sat down with him.
You told him everything about Tyler about Payton because he wanted to know and just how you felt.
Y/d:,, Y/n i am not made at you because I know i can be sometimes really overprotective when you hang out with boys. One last question are you and payton in a way more than friends?"

Y/n:,, what ??"
You break out of laugh.
Y/d:,, what so funny sweetheart ?"
Y/n:,, ME AND PAYTON? this is like you but salt in you coffee ... [ laugh] it will never fast good!"
Y/d:,, haha i understand you. You don't want to show that you like him. Okey okey!"
Y/n:, von really dad I don't like him at all!"
Y/d:,  yes yes Hah!" He said while walking out of your room.
Y/d:,, and y/n please sleep a little bit!"
Y/n:,, Yeah das i will but I have a question?"
Y/b:,, what's up honey ?"
Y/n:,, do you saw my bag I can not find it anywhere?"
Y/d:,, yeah I saw it in the living room. And why is it so full?"
Y/n:,, what do you mean with Full it was half empty?!"
You went downstairs to the livingroom and took your bag and went up again.
While you went up you realized it was really full. You went to your room and unpacked you bag you saw a sweatshirt comeing out of it, the sweatshirt was the reason why it looked so full.
Y/n:,, what the heck why is this sweatshirt in my bag? Ahh Antony it's probably his."
You walked to Antony's room and knocked 1 time you knocked 2 times and 3 times and suddenly Antony opened his door with just a boxer on.
I mean he was often in boxer because he was a f- boy but why today?
Y/n:,, Hey ant is this your sweatshirt?"
You showed him the sweatshirt when you heard a voice coming out of he room. The person in the background laughed and I thought it was Aiden because it really sounded like her.
But there was a girl with dark her and she was laying under the blanket it seems like she had no close on.
Ant:,, Aiden go out now go! No and it's no rly fucking sweatshirt.
Wait why is this girl naked.
Antony + naked girl= *** . Holy shit Antony.
Antony grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the room.
Y/n:,, PLEAS Don't tell  ME YOU TO DIDNT DID WHAT I THINK YOU DID! And Antony fucking learn that I am y/n and not Aiden!"
Ant :,, no we didn't because of you and why I  am even talking to you about this! And it's not my fucking fault that you and Aiden look the same!"
He went back in his room.
Hahah all the time he says : ,, it's not my fault you both look the same god I hate to look like her why can I look like me and she can look like what ever she was to look like god I hate it.
[⚠️ dummies y/n and Aiden are twins⚠️]
You went back in your room and fell asleep with the sweatshirt in hurt hand. You still wanted to know from who it is.

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