Part 3 Be careful

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Story 7
*your P.O.V*
Omg i forgot to say Payton where I live ok y/n is all ok you can say it him now...
*end of your P.O.V*
After fifteen minutes there was a knock on the door and you heard the conversation between your mom and whoever was standing in the door ...
Y/m:,,hello you have to be then the young
gentlemen who want to help us to bring everything in? Thanks again !"
One of the boys said:,, Yeah we are and no problem."
[btw it were three guys]
And there was this one voice sounds like an older woman so the age of my mom she said. ...
??:,, oh hey Y/m/n! Nice to see you again after such a long time!"
Y/m:,, Yeah nice to meet you Joanne!"
So the name of the woman is joanne.Ok I think she sounds like the woman the called Payton at the airport or I am hard of hearing?
Y/m:,, come in!"
J:,, After all, did not you have any children?"
Y/m:,, Yes i have. One daughter her name is Y/n ...
she wanted to say more but one of the three boys interrupted her.
Boy 1:,, What here name is Y/n! Did she have ( color of your hair) hair ? And is a little bit smaller than me ?"
Y/m:,, Ahm yes why? Wait are you payton ?
P:,,Yes i am why did you know it?"
You went downstairs and interrupted the conversation...
Y/n:,, Because i talk to her about you and she saw us at the airport!"
P:,,OmG Y/n! you really are! "
He came to you and hugged you but not as long as at the airport because he noticed that everyone looked at us.
Y/m:,, So guys can we start to unpack the things?"
Guys:,, Yes we can!"

hello people in this episode will be something different as you know Y / n comes from another country so Germany and whenever Y / n and her mom talk you talk in German. So I have always written about Germany's positions behind the sentences that are spoken German in the story. well, have fun!! 🤩
payton and his friends or brother start to walked to the car. Payton picked up a box from the car where your name was written on it. He searched extra for a box with your name on it and asked dan cheeky ...
P:,,So you have to show me your room !!?"
Y/n:,,Yeah, Yeah, Ok come."
you went to your room with payton and he put down the box, he came closer to you than you thought necessary is. You both
just stood there for a few minutes and did not say a single word but after a few minutes your mom and Joanne came in ...
J&Y/m:,,Are you guys ok?"
P:,,Yeah we're alright I'll go down and pick some boxes out of the car."( he went downstairs)
Y/n:,, Ahm..."
J:,,Y/n is everything ok? Did Payton does anything to you? Did he touched you? Or
omg... no he didn't... did he really kissed you ?!"
Y/n:,, No, no, no, no, no... he didn't it was just really wired. We just stood in my room and didn't say anything."
Y/m&J:,,but if he does anything you say and it?"
Y/n:,, Yes, i will say it."
Y/m:,, Good, and Y/n please unpack the boxes."
Y/n: Yeah i will do it and mom there is a 🇩🇪thing that i want to talk to you that happened."
You looked at Joanne and gave her the impression that she should go.
J:,, I will go! I am downstairs and help the boys with the boxes."
Your mom closes the door of your room and sat next to you on the bed.
Y/m:,, So Honey, What happened?"🇩🇪
Y/n:,, so in the Morning payton Text me 🇩🇪and and the end of the Chat he ask me if I can come with im to the skatepark, so can I ?"
Y/m:,, Yes but honey please be careful 🇩🇪with yourself and are there just you and Payton or other people?"
Y/n:,,Yes there are Friends of payton, 🇩🇪
why did you ask?"
Y/m:,,because when there are not other🇩🇪
people that looks like a date and you know what I am thinking about that!"
It was always the case with your mom that a boy had to ask the parents if he could take the girl so the daughter out. So payton would have to do the same with you and of course he did not do that.
Y/n:,, Yeah I know mom."
Y/m:,, So please unpack your things."

Payton brought up a few crates from time to time. After you had unpacked all the boxes you went downstairs and went to the kitchen. when you came into the kitchen you collide with payton and you were just about to kiss him. But you pull away and opened the Fridge, but payton looked at you all the time. When it became too much for you, you closed the fridge and to be provocative, you walked
past him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and said ..
Y/n:,,I'll see you at 7pm! "
P:,, Yeah See you sweetie!"
Y/n:,,please don't call me sweetie, call y/n and btw that's my name!"
P:,,oh come on and yeah I will go home and I will pick you up at 7.bye!"
it's been 2 hours since payton went it's now 6pm so you have one more hour to
get ready. That's enough. [BTW you're
skating too Payton do not know]
You turn in to this *SWIPE*
Right know it is 6:57pm and the door bell rings
Y/m:,, im going!"
Y/n:,, No !"
She opened the door and Payton stand there
P:,, Hello, Miss. ( your last name )
Y/m:,, be careful with my baby and please let me know when something happens !ok!"
P:,,i will do i promise"
You ran down the stairs and went to the door. You took your skateboard and left the house.
Y/n:,, Hey Payton and bye mom see u at 10pm."
you went out with payton and put your skateboard on the floor. so that he could see it he looked surprised and said...
P:,,Wait! What you can skate!"
Y/n:,, Yeah why not?"
P:,, I mean you are a Girl!"
[He looks on your body]
Y/n:,,should that mean just because I'm a woman or a girl I'm not allowed to skate!"
you said that sentence in a very angry tone you also looked at payton accordingly. ...

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