Part 4 Boys are so ...

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You still had that angry look and looked at payton and then you took your skateboard and went easy on driving.  Payton did not do anything he just stand there and looked puzzled on the floor like all the guys did if they did not do deserts like they were such an asshole.
*Your P.O.V*
oh ... shit ... no fuck!  I do not even know where to go now.  But what does he think
just because I'm a girl I'm not allowed to skate right?  I thought in the beginning really I like him but now I could just beat him what an asshole.
*end of P.O.V
At Payton at this time
*Payton's P.O.V*
damn Payton you're as stupid as can you just push off such a wonderful girl.  I've never really been able to say anything when I was with a girl, but with her, the air
is gone.  Oh shit why am I screwing up everything.
*End of P.O.V*
J:,, oh hey payton! Honey what's up? You look so sad?"
P:,, Haaaaa Mom this is really not your fucking business!!!"
Payton yelled at Joanne
J:,, Payton jay don't yell at your mom I didn't do anything to you and stop saying
to your mother ,,fucking" or something like that. You are a 15 Year old boy who does not know what's happening to him right now you're in puberty as if I'm not old to be so strict to you but house-locked for the rest of the week! "
(It was Wednesday)
Payton went into his house
At you
you stood now on the wheel of the road
when you did not know where you were suddenly stopped a car next to you.
J:,, Hey! are you not (your mom's daughter) come on climb i'll take you home you look pretty much alone and lost out.
Y/n: Ahm... no everything is ok and who are you ?
J:,,oh well I'm Joanne an old school friend of your mother and she would kill me if I
do not bring you home safely!"
Y/n:,, Ah...ok!"
You get in the car you took your skateboard and put it on your legs.
J:,, oh you Skate ?"
Y/n:Yeah why?"
J:,, My son he skates to maybe you to can skate together?"
Y/n:,,is your son payton? "
J:,, Yeah why?
Y/n:,,We wanted to go skating today but then he said a sentence and he made me a bit sad and angry and then I just skated off."
J:,, what did he said ?"
Y/n:,, he said that girls can't skate because there are not guys !"
J:,, oh that Little dummy !!!"
She laugh
Y/n:,, why are you laughing?" ...

J:,,Because he only say such dumm sentence when he is really really hard fallen in love with someone !" she said that while she laugh.
Y/n:,,this girl can joke happily or not. "You said that sentence with a look that expressed that you did not really care.
Joanne brought you home safely and you just ran upstairs to your room and lay down on your bed.  You fall asleep pretty

Next Day
You woke up and realized Today is the day when your dad and siblings come back from their weekend outing.You are happy because you missed your sister, her name is Aiden = A and your bigger brother is 18
and his name is Antony = Ant. (I will not write y/s and y/b anymore but the first letters)
you got up and went to the bathroom. 
You brushed your teeth, made your hair just in a messy bun because you're desperate that today is not a special day.  You took comfortable things out of your closet and put them on . you went downstairs and saw a note saying: "Hey Y / n, i am at joanne's house if you want to come (the address).  I'm at home about 1pm. The flight from your dad, Aiden and Antony lands at 2pm,
we will pick them up together, no refusal.  On the table are $20 to order something to eat when you stay at home.  your mother. "
*Your P.O.V*
Should I go to Joanne or not? I guess Joanne is really nice but I don't want to see Payton. But I really like him maybe I should go or not I don't know.  ...
You know what I go! Hey! ... I mean he was
the one who said such a stupid sentence and maybe he will say sorry to me.
*End of P.O.V*
You ate your breakfast and went upstairs to change your outfit. You did your make up but just a little bit.*SWIPE*
But you didn't do your hair because u liked your messy bun.
You text with your mom.

You grab your skate borad and lead to payton's house.  Now you stand in front of payton's house and just stand there.  You do not know if you should knock. You always take your hand away from the bell very shortly before.  Then you did it, you ring once, twice, three times.  and suddenly opens the door and now guess who was there ohso great, but also good looking (no y / n he is not good look no
stop it !!!) So payton stood there.
P:,, Oh! Hey ! I am payton ...
Y/n:,, i know your idiot so where is my mom she said I can come ?
P:,, Your Mom ?
Y/n:,, Can you stop being so stupid I thought you were cute. Why just in the plane as you hold my hand ? And yeah my mom she said she is here with your mom. You know there are best friend? ( you said
the last part in a sarcastically way)
P:,, Omg it was not a Dream ? "
Y/n,, what for a Dream ?"
P:,, i thought I dreamed in the plane that I hold your hand and thanks btw. And you mom and mine they head out for dinner they said there will come back around 10pm. And i am sorry do you want to come in?
Y/n,,yeah but why should she lie to me she
said she is here and I can come when I want I don't understand it. She said she is here .
You g went in the house Took of your shoes.
P:,, come on let us sit down on the sofa.
Y/n:,, ok but just a Second.
P:,, why just a second?"
Y/n:,, because I am mad at you u dummy !"
P:,, Why are you mad at me I didn't to
Anything ?"
Y/n:,, because you said yesterday that only boys can skat and that's not the truth.
P:,, Yeah but I don't mean it in that way I was just shocked that you can skat."
Y/n:,, Yeah because I am a girl "
P:,, No stop ! I like when girls can skate
That's pretty nice ."
Y/n:,, Ahm...   So I am pretty nice."
P:,, ( start to blush but puts his hands in front of his face that you can't see it) Ahm... maybe ."
Y/n:,, Do you start to blush ?"
P:,, No Why ?"
Y/n:,, you look like a really really red tomato ."
P:,, No i don't !"
Y/n Whatever, but the thing with my mom
she can't go out until 10pm. She said we gonna pick my dad and my siblings up."
P:,, you have a dad and siblings ?"
Y/n:,, Yeah we want to pick them up from the airport at 2pm ."
P:,, You know it's 1:30 pm or ?"
Y/n:,, what no are you joking."
P:,, no i am definitely not ." ( he starts to laugh)
Y/n:,, shut up!
You start to call you mom, she picked up.
On the call
Y/n:,, Hey mom where are you ?"
Mom:,, I am at the airport with Joanne ,why?
Y/n:,, Why with Joanne and mit with me ?"
Mom:,, Ahm I tell you the reason later when we are home bye love you !"
Y/n : mom no you have to tell my the rea-
She hung up.

P:,,What did she say?"
Y/m:,, She said she is at the airport with you mom."(you said that in a confused way)
P:,,Ahm...Yeah (he looked down)
Y/n:,, What is ?"
P:,,no-nothing ."
P:,, Okey, fuck i can't lie to you, damn
payton ..."
Y/n:,, What did you mean."
P:,,So i know that my mom and your mom are at the airport the said that she want that I can say sorry to you and we can't talk. And maybe after that we can be friends, damn fuck Payton why did you say yes to that stupid thing !!"
Y/n:,, is that a joke 1) you didn't say sorry and 2)I know when I want to know another
person better and friends ...  no we aren't friends don't lie ! I don't need such a dumm and ugly friend!"
P:,, And Why are you here when I am so dumm and ugly ? And please don't say I want to see my mom!?"
Y/n:,, because I thought too that you can maybe say sorry to me !"
P:,, i can ! But not to you bit-„( he want to
say ,,bitch" but in the last seconds He decided to not say it )
Y/n:,,What do you want to say!"
You stand up and walked to the door and want to leave as suddenly a hand touched yours. It was Payton's. You turn around and looked in his beautiful brown golden eyes
*your P.O.V*
Omg... this eyes ! No No No y/n he is super dumb to you !
*end of P.O.V*
P:,, i am sorry y/n for all, that i said girls can't skat and that I almost called you bitch and did not forget to lie to you about your mother , I am so sorry. Can you forgive me? New friend ?" ( he looked with a sad face but with puppy eyes)
Y/n:,, Yes i can Payton ."
You hugged him and he hugged you and you felt so safe in his arms and that can nobody can do anything in this moment.
*your P.O.V*
i have never felt like this i just don't know what that is.  I'm still kind of angry but somehow not.  i think i like him ...?  no y/n don't fall in love with someone who breaks your heart anyway!
*end of P.O.V*

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