Part 8 I will give you time

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Y/n,,Yeah I am fine*sniff*."
P:,, no please don't cry."
(D=Dylan addario)
D:,, Hey y/n are you okey?"
Y/n:,,no not really."
P:,, what?" With a confused look.
D:,,come here."
You went to Dylan and you and him start to walk away from the fam he hugged you
and you talked about anything so about Tyler and Payton.
*Payton P.O.V*
Wtf she said to me she is fine but to him she said she is not. Wait did she likes him . Oh no payton please don't get jealous.*
J:,, Hey payton... earth to payton."
P:,, what?"
J:,, do you want to say hello to your mom and your fans?"
P:,, Fans? Oh you are live. Hey guys."
J:,, so guys that's it bye see you later."
P:,, Wait... please I want to answer one question."
Fan:,, aww he is back.
Fan:,, do you like y/n?"
Fan:,, are you jealous because y/n walked away with Dylan and not with you ?"
P:,,no me and y/n are just Friends and yeah a little bit." He start to blush.
J:,, Yeah boy just friends."
P:,, MOM!"
J:,, okey bye guys."
She ended the live and of course I am jealous and yeah I freaking like her and I missed her smile so damn fucking much.
*End of Payton's P.O.V*
You went back with Dylan and Payton's didn't talked to you the whole time until you wore at your house you said goodbye
to everyone and you hugged payton from the side but he just stared out of the window.
Y/n:,, wow world that is really the guy I missed so a lot this weeks." You said angry and sad in the same time.
P:,, you missed me ?" He said with a smile.
Y/n:,, oh no need to smile I thought I am a ghost to and you know ghosts a scary... booooooo!" You said looking really angry
at him
P:,,come on y/n I a——"
Y/n:,, bye Dylan see you later." You said with a very big smile.
You walked in your house and walked in your room.
*Your P.O.V*
So Y/n... you now you can just have one payton, Tyler or Dylan? I mean payton was there for me when I was new and I like him
he is cute and Yeah ok a little bit hot and I can feel sparkles when he touches me and I feel so hot and I start to blush. And Tylor I mean I loved him he was the first one for me and he will ever but... he is not here. Dylan oh Dylan he was there for me when payton was gone and now I have to choose one that's so hard.
*End of your P.O.V*
Y/d:,,y/n!! Can you please come down here is someone for you !!"
Y/n:,, Yeah i am coming !"
You went downstairs and looked how was on the door.
P:,,Y/N! Please let me explain my sel——„
Y/n:,,Dad can you let us alone."
Y/d:,, yeah but why can't you both go in your room.,,
Y/n:,,Yeah. Fine."
You sad really mad.
You went with Payton behind you to your room. You both now walked in your room.
P:,, Y/n so please let me talked to you I called you so often."
Y/n:,, oh really i didn't saw that."
You said mad and ironically.
P:,, Ok so you saw what i wrote?"
He start to blush.
Y/n:,, no actually i didn't."
In this Second you picked you phone, you wore about to open text messages.
When Payton grabbed your waist and pulled you in front of him.
P:,, please don't read it, what i Write was silly and i didn't thought in this seconds I wrote you a lot of stuff."
Y/n:,, ok i will not read it but tell me is it fake what you wrote."
P:,, Ahmm... Look I really —."
Suddenly Antony came in your room.
Ant:,,hey Y/n... oh hey payton i guess... Ahm I want to ask if you want to order something for dinner ?"
Y/n:,,Hey yeah why not it's a good Idea."
P:,, okey I think it's times to go."
Payton wore about to life your room and Antony was in your room right know so your thought shit I can't stop Payton,
Antony would think I like him and I don't know if I do.
Y/n:,, Hey Antony can't Payton eat with us ?"
P:,, No you really don't have to."
Ant:,,Just when you will never touch my sister she is so perfect I really don't want that her first boyfriend will do her dirty."
He said while he looked like this [😏]
P:,, Okey I can't promise I will go!"
Y/n:,, PAYTON you holy Dirty grab!" 🇩🇪
You just stood there and said nothing.
Ant:,, Eyjo welcome in our family I was hopping that you would say that."
P:,, okey... ?"
Akward Moment
Ant:,, Ahm yeah pizza ?"
Ant:,, want do you guys want?"
Y/n:,, (a random Pizza)."
P:,,i want (random pizza).
Ant:,, okey I will order it."
After Antony ordered the pizza you three designs to do a move night und watched a lot of movies and ate your pizzas. But you just ate the half pizza . So Antony and Payton made a pillow fight so that means who will be the last one that stands on the couch wins the pizza, it and out both fall at the same time of the couch. So halved
the half pizza piece and said ...
Y/n:,, one piece for the super duper brother." I showed Antony the halved pizza .,, And one piece for... Ahm ...
Ant:,, The crush from my sister." Antony competed your sentence and he began to eat his pizza piece. I was so Antony how can you say that so I slapped him in his face not really hard but hard enough that he realized that I didn't like what he said.
Ant:,, oh come on! You two don't want to tell me you don't like each other.
Payton and I just looked at each other really confused.
Ant :,, Y/n: first of all do you don't see how he looks at you like you are the one and only and obviously you are the one for him. And Payton are you fucking stupid?"
With that sentence he just left with is pizza piece ...
P:,, yeah i guess i should go."
You actually did nothing and said nothing until payton was about two open the door.
You grabbed his hand and you pulled him very close to you.
Y/n:,, No please don't Go. I mean I really like you but I am not ready to do this again and have so strong feelings for someone again. Please give me or us a little more
P:,,y/n i give you so much Time do you need."
Y/n:,, thanks!" You said and hugged him so tight. You hugged him for I don't know five minutes and he didn't pull away.
P:,, so y/n it's Time for me to go it's late."
Y/n:,,no please don't leave me alone with my crazy brother."
P:,, Ah yeah where is your family?"
Y/n:,, Ah their are visiting my grandma.
P:,, Ah okey so see you tomorrow?"
Y/n:,,please don't leave!"
P:,, Hey do you really want that i am staying here... I mean it's not because of you it's because of your brother."
Y/n:,,Wait her I am back in a min."
You ran in your room grabbed your bag and packed a few clothes in and this you need as you walked out of you room and
went Back downstairs you saw payton and Antony talking and you heard what there were talking...
Ant:,, here for you I guess you don't want kids." Antony gave payton a condom.
P:,, ahhhh... thanks but I don't need it."
Ant:,, I swear you will need it maybe not tonight but maybe in the future."
Y/n:,, Hey I am back. So ..."
You showed payton your bag with the
clothes inside while payton tried to hide the condom for you.
P:,, so you want to sleep at my house ?"
Y/n:,, Yeah is that a problem I mean you are leaving in a few days for phase 2 and i want to spend the day with you."
P:,, okey, okey come ."
He opened the door and you walked in his house.
J:,, Hey payton and do you said y/n that
you like her ?" She said yelling from the kitchen.

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