Feeling even more embarrassed, Lorelei pressed her hands to her cheeks. "That's beside the point. Let's just get to what we met up here for. Tell me— have you thought about how you wanted to do this?"

He only frowned at her though, and Lorelei could see his tongue poke the inside of his cheek. He sighed when her stomach growled obnoxiously loud and instructed her before he got up and left. "Wait here, I'll be back."

Even from where she was sitting, the obnoxious black card that gave Taehyung all his power was gleaming, mocking her. Allowing herself a distraction, Lorelei opened her phone and responded to a text from Andrea who thought she was out talking to a prospective buyer for a painting she had been working on. Not even noticing that Taehyung had walked back to her, she looked up and saw him there, looking at his phone. "Why'd they give it to you in a bag?"

Taehyung shot her a look, grabbed her tote bag, and slung it over his shoulder. "Come on—" He said, walking towards his car. "I don't want to eat here after all."

"Wait, no I— well, hold on!" Lorelei called after him, leaving the table and following him quickly. She watched him place her tote bag in his backseat and hold the door for her.

Sensing her hesitance to get in, he prodded a bit. "Well? Are you going to keep me standing here?"

"Why? This doesn't make sense." She asked him, going against her better judgment and buckling herself up in his car.

"So many questions," Taehyung said as he handed her the bag of food and closed her door, walking around to his own quickly. "I just had a better idea, that's all. Don't overthink it." Taehyung said as he buckled himself up and started his car.

There should have been some resistance on her end, Lorelei belatedly realized as Taehyung's driving was lulling her to sleep. She had accepted this way too easily and now he would think she was easy. But nearly a week's worth of only getting an hour or two of sleep a night had left her far too exhausted to argue. The familiar pull and steady rhythm of Taehyung's driving had her eyes shut before she could even register that she would sleep, again.

This time, Lorelei had a dream. She and Taehyung were a campus couple and he was actually kind. It didn't quite make sense and some random things were happening, like Andrea being at her school, but the words and actions were clear as day.

"Wake up." His voice commanded her from her sleep, except this time it took Lorelei several long seconds before realizing where she was. And of course— who she had come with. "I can't believe you slept again."

"Shit!" Lorelei cussed, as the embarrassment from her dream surged her awake. "I— I don't know why I'm so tired lately." It was a plain lie but she caught a glimpse of his hands and her mind flashed the weird feeling of his hands caressing her face in her dream. "Whatever, I'm sorry. Where are we?"

"We're somewhere I like to come to."

Looking around her, Lorelei noticed they were at a very quiet and nice park. The trees all around them were just starting to change color for the new season. The irony of the soft wind flowing around so gently while they were planning something probably not so nice made her clench her jaw. Looking at her surroundings, there was a nice view of the skyline of their city, "Where—"

"It's a private part of the park not too far from our school. No one bothers with it because no one wants to pay the fee to get in. I like to rent it out for an hour or two when I'm sleepy and don't want to drive back to my apartment for a nap."

"How much is that? I want to know what it costs."

Taehyung cast a weird look at her before shrugging, "I don't know, I think it was like a hundred or something last time I did it."

My Temptation - KTH FF (under rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now