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Cartier (Chase)

"Wake up sleepy head." I threw the pillow at Kenny head I spent the whole week over here I'm so obsessed with Kenny son Prince.

"Cartier get the hell out my room before I get up and beat yo ass." I busted out into laughter. I had Prince on my hip holding him. I told Kenny yesterday that I wanted to go shopping and he decided to stay out partying until 5 this morning.

"Prince you see how your daddy speak to your auntie." I put Prince on the bed and he started grabbing Kenny beard.

"Ouch man." Kenny said irritated. I picked Prince back up and threw another pillow at Kenny.

"Get up or you not getting none of this breakfast I'm about to make." He rolled over putting the pillow over his head.

"Please let me sleep for another hour my head is killing me."

"One hour that's it I want to go out today." I whined.

"Okay Cartier now get out of my room."

"Ugly as nigga." I whispered leaving his room his grumpy ass nobody told his ass to be getting drunk.

"You know I'm fine as hell." He yelled to me while I was in the hallway.

"Eww don't make me sick." I laughed while walking to the kitchen. I put Prince in his bassinet in the living room so I can start making breakfast. Because when Kenny wake up his fat ass going to be hungry .

I made a quick breakfast just pancakes, Bacon and cheesy eggs. I put everything in the oven to keep it warm while I feed the baby and wait for Kenny to come downstairs. After I fed Prince I burped him and went upstairs so I can get him washed up and dressed for our day.

 After I fed Prince I burped him and went upstairs so I can get him washed up and dressed for our day

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Prince is so freaking adorable and handsome he look just like Kenny it's crazy. I still haven't met his baby mother I have no idea what's going on between. She hasn't even been here all week like what mother doesn't want to see her baby. I could never be away from my baby this long she different. I don't care if me and the father isn't working out we would both see the baby everyday. Especially since I know Kenny is paying all her bills and stuff. He such a good guy I don't know what the hell wrong with her. If Kenny wasn't my brother I would be with him trust me but we always been friends and have this brother sister relationship.

I'm so attached to Prince he makes me think about when Jayla was that small. She would barely even cry she was either quiet or laughing. I really miss her especially being around Prince. I'm dealing with that much better now though instead of sneaking around and doing coke or distancing myself I just think positive thoughts and if I need someone to talk to I call my dad or mom or Kenny.

"Now your ugly ass up. I made your plate already it's in the microwave I was trying to wait for you but you took to long." Kenny cane down fully dress and ready to go.

"I'm still drunk as hell. But I knew to get up because I was not about to miss this breakfast." I laughed at him he is so damn greedy. "Where we going today?"

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