68 | The Baby

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A/N: Fluff. Also: In Issue #28, Sam sends out his birds to find Bucky like yes we stan a loyal boyfriend. 

The baby cooed in Sam's arms, playing with his fingers and looking up into Sam's smiling face.  They were so happy together, they finally have their own baby. Their own child of their own. Sam held their son with loving care and also thinking it was ugly when their child scrunched up their face and giggled. But it was cute. Bucky, however was 100% paranoid with the baby, he held it carefully and was on high alert constantly. The little boy grabbed a hold of Bucky's metal fingers and started sucking them. "I can feel that," he tells the little one, removing his fingers and setting him down in the crib.

Sam walked into the nursery, "I can't believe we actually have a baby," Sam told his husband. Bucky smiles at him and nods, "well, now you have to take care of two children." Sam laughs and admires their baby who was playing the baby crib. "Little Alex is adorable," Sam cooed over their little baby, scooping him up in his arms as he laughed. 

"Hey babe, can you hold him for a sec? I need to take a call," Sam said, handing him their baby as he walked out of the room. Bucky nods, supporting the baby's head and sitting down in the nursery. Alex laughed as he reached up to grab Bucky. He laughed as he watched his son reach for him. Bucky sets him down and gets a baby toy, dangling it over Alex's head. 

Alex giggles in delight, grabbing the toy and playing with it. Sam leans on the door frame, Bucky looks up to his husband, "what?" he says. Sam smiles at him softly, "you look so beautiful with our son in your arms." Bucky blushes and smiles "thank you," he mumbles, attending back to their child.

Alex begins to cry, Bucky rocks him back and forth "shh, Alex," he tells him softly "shh it's okay, papa's here." he cooes to his child as Sam brings him a bottle of warm milk. Alex smiles and takes the bottle gladly, guzzling it down. 

Sam smiles, wrapping his arm around Bucky and kissing him on the cheek. Domestic life wasn't really their style until little Alex came into their life. Sweet and tender, better than they could have imagined. "You're an amazing father," Sam told him as they set Alex to bed that night.  "So are you," Bucky smiled, kissing him on the cheek. Life was never better in their house, little Alex grew up faster than expected. Truly, a great family. Whenever they had friends over, Alex always got a new gift.

It was a great start, to their brand new life. 

A/N: Thanks for reading!

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