6 | Fever

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Thanks again to @AlphaWolf0215 for the request/suggestion! Yes, I have been obsessed w/ Ben Platt's album.


This was after the battle. Sam had a really bad wound and it got infected, which caused the fever. There were severe coughs coming from the bedroom, Bucky looked up and saw Sam wheezing and coughing, in high alert and panic he got the thermometer placed it in Sam's mouth, it was really warm. He held Sam's hand and looked him in the eye "stay in bed, I'll look after you today."

"It's not that bad," Sam said with a sniffly nose and a sore throat, he then gave out a mean cough and laid down "–okay, maybe I'll skip working today," he mumbled as Bucky put extra blankets on him and went down to grab the medicine. Bucky came back upstairs with a spoonful of medicine.

"Open," he said to Sam, Sam opened his mouth and took in the weird-tasting medicine. 

"Bleugh - I don't - like this!" Sam whined. Bucky laughed and stroked his head and kissing his forehead. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but you have to rest. Ring the bell if you need anything."

Sam smiled at him, "–and don't just ring it 24/7 because I need rest, too." Bucky laughed. Sam nodded and went to sleep. 

Sam had trouble sitting up because of the wound on his side, which was bandaged but it was peeling off with stains of red. Bucky helped him take showers and extra care and everyday Bucky would come in the bedroom to check up on him and give him a kiss.

The thing was, Sam loved ringing the bell. He rang it almost every day just to see Bucky, although - as creepy as this sounds, Bucky already checks up on him whilst he was sleeping. One night he wrapped his arm around Sam and kissed him on the cheek. 

• • •


He felt panic as he paced up and down the corridor outside their bedroom. He walked into the room. He's safe. Bucky placed the warm mug on the bedside table and rested his body next to Sam's.

Softly stroking his hair and smiling softly. He got up and softly shook Sam awake, he awoke and smiled "what time is it?"

"12:45, darling. You need to have another dose of medicine." Bucky said calmly and he gave Sam another dose, Bucky didn't like seeing Sam sick or hurt. He stroked his hair softly and pressed his forehead against his. Although it seemed like Bucky has handled it well, he hasn't. His boyfriend has been sick for a whole week. 

"Bucky..." Sam mumbled into his neck as they cuddled "you don't have t worry about me. I'm fine, I'll get better."

"But what if you die of the fever, what if you're infected, what if the plague is back - what if -"

"Bucky..." Sam said, looking into his eyes, they go soft and warm and he cups his face "I won't die. It's okay...you can rest now." Sam closed his eyes and rested his head back on the pillow, holding Bucky's hand in his. Bucky places a towel on the wound and holds his hand with warm tears slowly dripping down his face.

"Sam," he sobbed and kissing him lightly.

a/n: I updated and edited it and realised it was missing the wounded part, oops XD

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