45 | Sugar-High Bucky

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A/N: Basically fluff

Sam smiled, wrapping Bucky in a hug and spinning him around, Bucky laughed and smiled warmly. They caught a taxi and recorded their Anniversary date together. They held hands as they entered the aviary, "Sam, look!" Bucky laughed, pointing at a duck in a pond, Sam poked him "I know, Buck," Sam smiled. Bucky pulled him closer to the pond and jumped up and down like a puppy. 

"It's your cousin!" Bucky cried, Sam blushed and smiled at how cute his boyfriend is.  "Alright, shut up, Bucky we're in public," Sam said, pulling him away and showing him birds that flew around. Bucky turned the camera to face him, "he's just pissed the ice-cream vendor ran out of banana ice cream. boo-hoo, Sam."

The fluttering of feathers as the birds flew or sung, Sam's grand smile made Bucky smiled. Sam pulled him closer to pet the adorable fluffy owl, Sam was in his own place, his own great wonderland of birds. He pulled Bucky under a mess of trees and held him, the sound of birds tweeting and flying. Peace. "I love you," Sam smiled, Bucky smiled. "I love you, too," Bucky replied, then he began running to the Falcon section.

"Can I get icecream?" Bucky begged with puppy eyes as he petted a Falcon, Sam laughed and shook his head. He brought the camera to Sam's face and shaking it like crazy, Bucky giggled, and began annoying Sam and whispering weird things in his ear, then after Sam bought Bucky ice cream and Bucky threw it at him, Bucky began running. 

Sam cried for Bucky, wondering how much sugar he ate this morning.

Sam groaned and began chasing him around the aviary. "Bucky!" Sam cried, picking him up bridal style. "Stop acting like a child!" Sam cried "I'm going to put on my suit of you don't stop," Bucky filmed his reaction, Bucky was being silly the whole day. 

Sam groaned as they entered the house, dragging a sugar-high Bucky that was filming everything, he put him on the couch and pinned him down, "behave." Sam said sternly. He giggled, "but I don't wanna sleep," Bucky pouts. Sam sighed and stared him down. Bucky kissed him playfully, "I'm not high on sugar!" Bucky whined. The Falcon raised his eyebrows and dragged him to the kitchen. "Bucky, it took me five hours, two items and three taxi rides, to get you here!" Sam cried. Bucky's smile faded and he looked guilty. 

"Sorry," Bucky said, "I'm just really hype,"

Sam smiled and hugged him, kissing his forehead "that's okay, Buck," Sam smiled "next time, just don't eat so much sugar."

A/N: What. Did. I. Just. Write...

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