22 | Eleanor: Part 3

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a/n: What do you want to see in the next oneshot? Self-insert? OC? Fluff? Smut? Angst?Comment! I love hearing your opinions :)

Warning: Slight smut

"Fifteen!" Bucky cried and buried his face in his hands "she's fifteen! How can she do this?" he sobbed into Sam's shoulder. Missing. Their daughter was missing. Gone. Ran away. "I shouldn't have said anything," Bucky sniffed as he held Sam in his arms. 

"I want our daughter back," he sniffled as Sam stroked his hair. "I know," Sam said to him and kissed his forehead. They didn't know where she went, Tony tried tracking her phone but it was useless. 

The police are on searching for her now. It felt like a bad dream. The sickening feeling of losing someone you loved. The pain wouldn't stop. He tossed and turned in his bed that night, his heart pounding and jolted awake.

A dream. Thank God.

Bucky sighed as his lip trembled, Sam woke up and noticed his husband's behaviour. "Bucky?" he asked groggily "you okay?" he asked him.

"I-I'm fine," he stuttered "it was just a bad dream, that's all." he sighed and laid back down in bed, breathing silently. He got up and decided to check Eleanor's room, she was asleep with her loose brown curls resting on her shoulders and her chest moving up and down as she breathed. Bucky sighed and smiled, he turned to see Sam behind him, making him jump.

"Ah!" he cried softly as he closed Eleanor's door. Sam laughed apologetically "sorry, Buck. I was just wondering where you were."

"It's fine," Bucky said, pecking Sam's cheek. The time was 5:55 am, they went back to bed but Bucky couldn't sleep for some reason. He had this gut instinct that something bad could happen to her. In the morning Sam made breakfast, Eleanor came down, groggy with ruffled up pyjamas. She rubbed her eyes as she started eating the pancakes. "Ugh!" she groaned and dropped her fork. "I have a science exam!"

"Did you study?" Bucky asked as he grabbed his coat from the hook, he was in a yellow shirt and blue coat now. It was just Sam and him in the house for today, Eleanor had a sleepover tonight with Irene. "Yeah," she admitted, shrugging and continued eating her food "it's just that I find Science boring."

"Good luck," Sam said to her and flipped the final pancake. She got dressed and ready, Bucky and Sam dropped her off and said their goodbyes. They drove back home and lied down on the lounge with each other. Bucky rested his head on Sam's chest and held him tightly, "you know," he said to Sam with a smile "we're home alone..."

"And?" Sam said, rolling his eyes playfully. "We can do whatever we want here," Bucky said with a cheeky grin, Sam knew what he was talking about. Bucky kissed him deeply and Sam gave into the kiss, wrapping their bodies closer to each other.

Location: Eleanor's School

"Ellie!" Irene cried, hugging her best friend as they met in the yard. Irene had dark black hair, cold blue eyes like the ice in Antartica, her skin peppered with freckles and diamond studs on her ears. "Hi Irene," Eleanor greeted "ready for the exam?" Irene groaned as they walked into the school building "no!" Irene cried as they walked to their first class. 

They stopped at the door. Biology class. "Hey, guys!" Michael called from the other end of the line. Michael had a red jacket with different pins, like a pride flag and other weird things like dinosaurs and ninja turtles, he wore glasses and had black ruffled hair. 

Michael was their only 'guy friend' in the school. "So, Eleanor about the sleepover–" Irene said but was interrupted by the bell and they walked into class. Eleanor was seated at the back of the classroom. 

It had large open windows and two connecting screens and two whiteboards, it had a storage room at the back of the class with the equipment in it. The only reason why she hated Biology is because of the girl seated next to her. The girl was annoying, talked too much and always asked her for help. She looked ahead and saw Mr Jenkins write the heading on the whiteboard and started calling the role.

Location: Bucky and Sam's house

"Sam," he breathed into his skin as their naked bodies touched each other under the blankets. It was getting heated and even though they just finished their 'session', Bucky was breathless and so was Sam. 

They stared into each other's eyes intensely and kissed again, holding each other in a needy way. The lust was still in the air and they needed to get rid of it as quickly as possible. They moved in sync, bodies connecting and heavy breathing filled the air. It was always better than the last.

Location: Irene's House

They had a bit of trouble squeezing in the sleeping bag in Irene's tight room but it was okay and manageable. Irene smiled and they played a few games with each other like Monopoly and Truth or Dare. It was fun and relaxing. "So, El, I've been meaning to ask - how are your dads?"

"Good," Irene said, shrugging and going in for another cookie. They were in their pyjamas, all warm and snuggly, ready for the night. "Why?"

"Just wondering, that's all." Irene said, her dark hair resting on her back. Eleanor smiles at her and Irene smiles back. Their friendship was tight, smooth and would never break. But she knew what her dads would be doing at home when she's not around. Her family is a tight pact and they would never let her go. How does she know what they do you ask? One night in the middle of summer that year, she heard noises coming from their bedroom and would never un-hear that moment ever again. Either way, she loved her family and Irene. Life was good so far.

a/n: Comment what you want to see next!

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