BTS | Car crash

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-This was a suggestion-
"Namjoon, please go and wake up everyone." Jin asked Namjoon, impatiently waiting for all the other members to wake up.
"Why, hyung?" Namjoon asked curiously.
"It's a surprise." Jin smiled.
Namjoon sighed before running upstairs to wake everyone up. About half an hour later, 4 people came downstairs.
"Um... Joon, where's Yoongi?" Jin asked Namjoon.
"Uh... I... He's scary..." Namjoon said quietly.
"Okay I'll get him." Jin said.
Not long later, everyone was in the BTS dorm lounge.
"So hyung, what's the surprise?" Namjoon asked Jin.
"Surprise?" Jimin asked curiously, starting to get excited.
"Is it more sleep...?" Yoongi asked.
"We're going... To the zoo." Jin smiled. Looking extremely happy, only to get 5 blank faces staring back at him, however Taehyung looked very excited, showing his box smile.
"Oh my gosh this is amazing, we're going to see so many animals! Like elephants, penguins, tigers, lions, snakes-" Taehyung began, but then heard a scream from the left of him.
"Snakes!? There's going to be snakes??" Hoseok yelled.
"It's a zoo... There will be animals." Yoongi replied lazily.
"Oh my god can we hold a snake?" Jungkook asked.
"Yes!" Taehyung replied. Jungkook and Taehyung started squealing at each other like two teenage girls.
"Hyung, won't there be fans? I guarantee there will be sasaengs there." Namjoon said worriedly.
"I already sorted it. They shut the zoo down especially for us. We're so lucky." Jin smiled.
"Yeah... but our fans are nice." Jimin said.
"Yeah especially when they follow us home." Yoongi said sarcastically.
"So let's have breakfast then we'll go." Jin said, "I made eggs by the way. Ah today's going to be eggcelent!"
But to Yoongi something didn't feel right...
-Time skip to the zoo-
"I think we should split up. Everyone take a card. You either get a or b." BTS' manager said.
They all took a card and started yelling their letters. In the end, Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi we're together. While Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung were together.
"So whichever team can find the most animals wins. We meet back here at 5pm."
-YoonMinKook pov-
"Hyungs! Look it's a horse with a lump on it's back!" Jungkook yelled, pointing to a camel.
"Kook, that's a camel." Jimin said.
"Really? Are they real?" Jungkook asked.
"No it's really a human in disguise." Yoongi replied."
(Not the real dialog don't @ me)
-TaeJoonJinHope pov- (yeah that's right 10/10 ship name)
"So these are the water creatures... fascinating." Namjoon said.
"Can we swim with them!?" Taehyung asked the tour guide.
"I guess so..." She replied. "Let me just get you some swimming suits, we have some in the back." She said, walking out.
"Is that a sting ray?" Hoseok asked Namjoon.
"Yeah." He replied.
Hoseok reached in to touch it but got screeched at by Jin, "YOU COULD DIE HOBI STOP IT!" He yelled.
Once they were in the water, they all started messing around, while Jin got chased by a sting ray, however everyone else was just laughing.
"Okay guys it's time to move on." The tour guide said.
-YoonMinKook pov-
"Can we ride the tigers?" Jungkook asked.
"Absolutely not." Yoongi replied. Looking behind him.
"Can we at least pet them?" Jimin asked.
"Oh yeah sure... That's a great idea, then I can take you to the hospital and hope they can sew your arm back on." Yoongi said.
-TaeJoonJinHope pov-
"Wow.... this is the biggest snake I've seen..." Namjoon said.
"I've known many snakes in my day..." Jin said.
"Yeah me too, I knew this girl-" Taehyung began, but got interrupted by Hoseok, "Can we go somewhere else? I don't really want to be near that snake-"
"Oh Hoseok-Hyung, it's fine, I'm sure you'll be allowed to hold it." Namjoon smiled.
"Oh can he!?" Taehyung asked.
"Of course." The tour guide said.
"No no no, I'm okay thanks..." Hoseok panicked."
"Don't worry, I'll stay far away in case it tries attacking you. I can't let it hurt my beautiful face." Jin said.
-YoonMinKook pov-
"Hyung why do you keep turning around?" Jungkook asked.
Yoongi paused, "You know that feeling when-"
"Hyunggg, I really wanted to pet it..." Jimin whined at Yoongi.
"And I really want to go home without ending up at the hospital." Yoongi said.
"How about we ride the camels?" Jungkook asked.
"No." Yoongi replied.
"Rhinos?" Jimin asked.
"Bunny rabbits?"
"No- Jimin, get on Jungkook's back."
-TaeJoonJinHope pov-
"There there hyung..." Taehyung said, stroking a traumatised Hoseok's back.
"I-I'll never be the same again..." Hoseok said.
"Wow! Look, baby pandas!" Jin said, pointing to a bunch of pandas behind glass.
"Oh really? Where?" Hoseok asked, excitingly, forgetting all about the snake.
"Did you know giant pandas live up to 20 years?" Namjoon stated.
"Wow... Interesting..." Taehyung said.
-Time skip to BTS together-
"So did you all have fun?" The manager asked.
"Yes!" They all said.
"Jungkook, why is Jimin on your back?" Namjoon asked.
"Yoongi told me to." Jimin said.
"What? They were annoying me." Yoongi replied.
"Okay! Everyone to the car!" The manager yelled.
Before Yoongi stepped in, he took one last worried glance behind him, before shaking it off and jumping in. There was no one there.
Once they were all in the car on their way home, they were discussing all the amazing things they saw at the zoo.
"Hyung you've been so weird today." Jungkook said to Yoongi.
"Yeah you've been looking around everywhere." Jimin said.
"I noticed too!" Hoseok replied, Before you entered the van."
"Yeah... you know that feeling that you're being followed? Or that something's going to go wrong-?" Yoongi began, but was interrupted by Jungkook's scream, "HYUNG! CAR!"
-There will be a part 2-

BTS sickfics/ hurtfics | OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang