[ch. 19] Everything's Fucked

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"Well uh.. . I ", I was scratching my head, trying to grab any idea at all that would work.

" I think there's a new killer..." I finally said, an idea popping into my mind. 

"What?" Ace exclaimed. 

" Yeah I know it's crazy but... I think there's a killer that shape-shifts into the other killers.." I tried to sound serious.

"God this is fucked", Ace placed his hand at his forehead in grief.

"But you know what's more fucked Quentin?" He eerily added.

My heart stopped in anticipation.

"Being a liar."

Frank immediately stiffened and grabbed at Ace. He reached for his shirt, and pulled him up by both hands.

"I'm not... a liar" I argued weakly.

"THAT'S WHAT LIARS SAY", Ace screamed out. 

"Shut up", Frank said.

I didn't want to be a liar, in fact, I hate lying. But what can you do in this situation?

Frank must've found Ace's bandages at his side, because Ace was groaning in pain. Frank was pushing his fingers inside the wounds, tearing them apart.

"OH FUCK MAN WHY" Ace screamed.

"Shut up."

"Frank please!" I was trying to deescalate this situation, but everything was happening too fast.

He didn't hear me.

I got up off my ass and went over to him.

"Frank we gotta stop", I said as I was touching his shoulder.

He looked over at me and his eyes softened.

He dropped Ace to the floor. Ace bent over and grabbed at his once again wounded side.

"I can fix you back up..?" I asked, now trying to make amends.

"NO, DON'T TOUCH ME", he snapped.

Ok then perish.

"Fuck.." Frank sighed. He held his arms up and wrapped them around his head in frustration. 

I fiddled with my hands, and looked at the groaning Ace on the floor.

We couldn't keep this a secret forever.

Should we tell him?

I looked up into Frank's eyes as I thought this.

He looked into mine.

He must of understood what I thought, as he nodded his head.

He took a deep breath.

"Alright shit face I'm only going to explain this once, so don't fuck up your chances." Frank spoke down to Ace.

He crouched down, hands on his knees.

"First off, if you ever tell anyone else, you're dead. I'll make whatever's left of your life miserable",

"I'm the Legion

Ace turned over to face Frank at this.

Frank started scratching at his chin in an attempt to hide his mouth and looked over to the side.

"And as you've seen before... yeah I'm fucking him."

I started blushing a little.

God Frank, we were only kissing...

run and chase (frank x quentin) dbdWhere stories live. Discover now