[ch.15] Me in My Own Head

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After everyone returned to their quarters, I decided to do the same.

Walking there I felt cold.

Cold in the night sky.

I pulled back the "curtains". Curtains being towels stitched together to form this veil of privacy..

My floor was the earth. I looked at the littered pile of junk on it.

Med kits.. toolboxes.. anything that could be useful really.

I slumped against the tree that the towels were attached to.

My head against the wood, I looked up into the sky.

Yeah, can't afford a roof either.

I wondered if those stars were actually stars.

But that question can be easily cancelled out seeing as how we're all trapped in this HELLSCAPE.

My body trembled, and I remembered that I was cold.

It's funny that it can do that. Funny that I can forget that my body is freezing.

Guess I'm used to it.

These were the only clothes I had.... but I did have another jacket.


I smiled at the thought of his charity..

And I smiled thinking about him..

I sat upright and retrieved the jacket. I had managed to ball it up in a tool box. I'm not sure if anyone would recognize his jacket... but just to be sure..

When I first arrived back with it, I was lucky enough to appear back in my room.

I put on the leather jacket.

I instantly felt warmer.

I snuggled up into it, I tugged the collar up to my face. I let myself smell the inside of it.

Axe deodorant.


The jacket was quite big on me, the sleeves covered my hands up till the first knuckle.

Again I laid back, arms behind my head.  I let my eyes seep into the abyss of stars.

The fake stars.

A reoccurring question that I ask myself every night, 'Am I really dead?'.

And every night I get no answer.

That's what scared me most.

The uncertainty.

But for now... at least something is entertaining me.. that something being a someone.

Am I just bored?

Do I.. really like him? Is this not just me using him for benefits..?

Are my intentions true?

Are his?

That thought made my eyes open wide.

What if this whole relationship we got going here isn't actually real.

What if it's just part of his sick ploy..?

Fuck.. now I made my self more scared and confused than before.

God he could fuck me over so easily.

Maybe turn all the survivors against me.. maybe make my death worse... maybe killing me first every time... getting into my head..he could do anything

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