Talk [ch.2]

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"Ah, and my name's Quentin!" He exchanged with a smile back at me.

"So are we like, friends now?" I asked him.

"Well, we have to be, if we want to survive these trials.." He trailed off.

"It just sucks when you're in a trial with some asshole who's always leading the killer to you first all because I took the hatch when there was no possible way to save them last minute!"  He sighed.

"What an asshole" I grunted. "Who's doin' that to you anyways?"

"Fucking David. He's a big pissy bitch who knew what he was getting into when he went down to the basement to grab an item before we left." He sighed. "I told him not to do it, but he's a hot head and got what he deserved... and unfortunately I'm the bad guy for the rest of eternity... I wish I just had a break."

"Is that why you were sleeping?" I pried.

He chuckled at this. "Haha.. fuck, yeah.. I musta passed out here. It's mostly a combination of being afraid of Freddy when I sleep, forcing me to stay awake, and being found out by the killer. I'm just used to it now that every time that I'm put with David I just get a insta-death. Bastard..." He only half smiled and rubbed at his eye with his left thumb.

"Do you know if David's in this match? I hadn't seen anyone but you so far..."  Every trial starts with four victims and one killer. It's the killers job (mine) to sacrifice the victims to the Entity. After fulfilling the requests of the Entity, there is many rewards for the killers... it's like dog treats. Dwight was the one I was originally chasing, he's all of the other killer's favorites. Then I saw Quentin. But there was also that girl that I had already killed before at the start, snuck up behind her. So that left me with one other victim unidentified.

"Welp" I said getting up and dusting off my hands from the rank ass floor, "Let's find out"

"What???" He almost screamed. "Are you crazy?? He'll just get us both killed.."

"Nah man, you got me, and we'll teach him a lesson" I assured.

"well.."  He looked down.

"You'll get your break"

"Ah...Alright, let's fuck up this bastard."

I smiled, reassuring this worry wort and reached out a hand to help him onto his feet so we could get this party started. His hand was soft.

He stretched some more, this time with his legs, and shaking his foot awake.

I'm taller than him.

We start to head out of the main cabin and into the cold ass night

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We start to head out of the main cabin and into the cold ass night.

"f-fuck now I remember why I fell asleep i-in there"  I turned to look at Quentin as he said this. He was visibly shivering. I almost felt bad.. no .. I did. I was layered to hell out here. One jacket didn't mean I'd die. So I offered up my leather jacket.

"bro for real? thanks man.. you're already doing so much for me.. thank you" I couldn't tell if it was the jacket already warming him up or he was honestly embarrassed ; His cheeks were tinted pink. 

"Hey man, we're gunna be out here for eternity surviving trials, might be a good idea to stay on good terms, unlike your jackass friend that we're about to pummel" I smirked. 

Quentin snuggled more into the jacket, his hands stuffed in the pockets.

We started treading along into the snow filled forest. 

"Ideas on where to look?" I asked. This might give me more intel on where survivors would most likely be ... maybe more than I already knew.

"Hmm.." He looked at the ground thinking, " Well, seeing as last time he went to the chest in the basement.. might wanna check there, it'll be quick."

I didn't need a man made weapon to murder someone

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I didn't need a man made weapon to murder someone. The only man made thing on me was my bare fists. I started to feel giddy. I'd never done this with someone I would have killed in a heartbeat before.

run and chase (frank x quentin) dbdWhere stories live. Discover now