[ch.16] Nightmare

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Author's Note:

This is a skippable chapter. You won't miss anything plot wise from missing it.

TW: sexual assault



If my heart wasn't beating rapidly before, it sure as hell is now.

This mother fucker's been my enemy since I was a child. 

Why can't he just fucking die.

Leave me alone.

But he never quits, he forces until he gets what he wants..

I felt my entire body start to shake, I tried squirming, wiggling, ANYTHING.

But he wouldn't budge.

He was like a brick wall.

In the way.

I started hyperventilating, and through my exasperated sobs I pleaded. It was all I could do. It was my only option.

And he liked it.

The ugly fucker liked it when I cried.

Again he put his hand on my face, and his fingers in my mouth.

But it was the claw hand.

The fucking claw hand.

He looked into my eyes and smiled.

His bladed fingers cut the corners of my mouth, and pain soon spread there. This action forced me to gasp out and yell.

He put his blades deeper into my mouth...

He clawed at my gums and cut my tongue in half.

I don't think I was physically capable to cry anymore.

All I felt was pain.

I could only yell.

And yelling made him like it more.

He took away his claws from my face. My arm instinctively went up to feel around the damage done.

"Oh my Quentin, my little Quentin... what happened to your pretty mouth?"

I refused to speak. 

I couldn't speak, with half a tongue.

Fuck that bastard.

"Hmm? Not gunna talk? Cat got your tongue?" Then he laughed manically into my face.

He shook me back into the cabin wall as he laughed.

Fucking maniac.

Just get this over with.

Let me wake up..

Blood was pouring from my mouth.

" Aw... don't pout, I'll kiss it better." 

When he said this my eyes went wide with fear, and his face came closer to mine.

I started shaking my head no, and leaning my head back as far away as possible.

Again with his claw hand he took my chin and jerked it forward towards his ugly fucking face, the blades cut my chin as well.


He forced his lips onto mine.

I wanted to puke, but blood was already being spilled out.

He stuck his tongue inside my mouth.

I wanted so bad to bite down.

But I was afraid to.

I was... afraid to disobey him.

And I say that with the upmost guilt.

I didn't want him to hurt me more than he had already.

So I let him..

I let him fucking use me.

I shut my eyes in disgust, I didn't want to see his face gnawing on mine.

His tongue felt gross, thick, and nasty.

I was in pain.

Sharp stinging pain.

I wanted to go home.

But there was no home anymore.

Unexpectedly, he threw me onto the floor. I landed on my side.

I coughed, and grabbed at my arm that started to hurt now because of the sheer force used.

I heard his foot steps come closer to me, I looked up to see him smiling with my own blood dripping down his face.

"Oh Quentin! Who's hurting you? Why don't you tell someone? I'll make them pay.." He sneered.

His presence came closer to me, I started to climb to my feet.

He grabbed my arm as I was about to run and yanked me down again on the floor.

"fFFUCgghk" I shouted out in pain.

"fFFUCgghk" I shouted out in pain

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I landed on my back.

I let out groans of pain.

"Aw Quentin! Careful now, or you're gunna get hurt!" He smiled.

"shSSHSUT UP" I spat out at him in frustration.

He kept fucking smiling and got closer to me.

He stood above my body, he grabbed my bleeding chin again. 

He forced my body to sit up.

"On your knees."

My head went numb.


I got on my knees.

He unzipped his pants, Frank's pants..

I stared at it.

I just stared at it.

I stared at his actual weapon, which wasn't the bladed hand.

He gripped the back of my head and forced me onto himself.

If there is a god, why won't he let me die?

run and chase (frank x quentin) dbdWhere stories live. Discover now