[ch.11] Together

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I was being chased. I was being chased, over and over. 

I'm terrified.

I'm always terrified.

Why won't this stop?

Why won't this end?

I just wanted to be back with Nancy.


I could never be with her again.

This is my life now.

A shit show.


I felt warm. My body felt wrapped up. I started to open my eyes. Slightly, ever so slightly. I could feel the heavy lids slide open, and I was met with a heart attack.

"FUCK-" I jolted back, wide eyed. 

Then I saw who's mask it was.


"God damn it Frank, you scared me.." I say as I clutch my heart that was now rapidly beating fast.

He lifted his mask up. Worry and concern painted his face.

As I rubbed my eyes I realized that I was in his arms.


This was so weird.

"I thought you might've been one of the others.. damn.." I added.

"Ahh sorry man.." was his reply and he immediately darted his eyes away.

Then he pulled me in closer, closer to his chest.

"Alright big guy another hug it is." I sighed and laid my head against his chest.

I could've sworn I saw his cheeks start to pink.

"Hey.. do you still have my jacket?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh fuck, yeah. I do," I reassured him. "You want it back? It's back at the campfire.. I just hid it from the others though"

"Oh god no, you can keep it. I got other clothes, plus I know it can be cold.."

What a nice guy. He made me smile.

What the hell?

Are all the killers just as nice or.. just Frank?

I think.. I'm starting to feel something for him..?

Was this Stockholm syndrome?

We've been through so much. In so little time. Just two trials ago I thought this guy was a survivor. And now? I'm hugging the fucking killer,no, he's hugging ME.

This guy's got me into a damn mess of myself.

"Hey.. if you want, I could just stay here.. with you, you could get some sleep if you want.." He interrupted my confused thoughts. He almost sounded..nervous?

But this seemed like an offer of a lifetime.

How could I say no?

"Y-Yeah, that would be perfect actually.." I answered him.

He was.. sweet.

Wow, this is the first guy that I've ever thought of as sweet.

My head against his chest, I heard his heartbeat.

It sounded like it was pounding. 

After a while of silence it started to calm down.

I could tell that he was fidgeting though. Every time we heard a gen be complete he would point his head in the direction that it was. He was like a dog, trying to find a squirrel.

run and chase (frank x quentin) dbdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora