What About Dwight [ch.4]

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I might've fucked up.

I was met with the consequence of my actions shortly after I told Quentin that David was hurting him. Quentin put his head back and his insides spilled out his mouth. The smell almost made me want to vomit as well.

"gOD fUCK" He panted. He used the sleeve of my jacket to wipe at his vomit covered mouth. Gross. "..sorry".

"Don't be", I assured. " It is what it is".

"guh.. god.." He stepped away from the pile of bile.

"I.. just wanna be done.." Breathing regularly now, he looked up at me. "I just wanna go home"

God, me too.

"We should get out of here"  I suggested.


We left that shit hole

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

We left that shit hole.

Back out into the cold night we were. It was silent as we were walking, we had no destination, just to walk.

The quietness was broken about 5 minutes after we walked along the snowy grounds.

"So.. what, what was it like? Before you came here?" He asked me.

"I ..uh.."

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me, we all have our nightmares" He comforted. Him? comforting me?

"Well, my own parents didn't want me, and I hopped from orphanage to orphanage.." I spilled.

Quentin immediately responded with, "oh jeez man I'm sorry". I told him, "There's no need to be sorry here, wasn't you that didn't want me" 

Quentin looked down at his feet while we still walked without any place to particularly be.

"School was shit. Got beat up, and beat them back", I paused. I shouldn't talk about the Ormond party with the gang...

"That's about it, oh and I'm from Canada" I looked at him, he looked deep in thought, like maybe he was hoping for more.

" wow, fuck man, " He sighed, " I spent my life basically trying to stay awake from Freddy, and now that I'm here? It's just gotten worse, now I have to stay awake from EVERY killer."

"Don't know what all us survivors even did to get here, just sucks.."

I can agree with most of that, but for the killers we don't have to worry about cops here. This is more of a half heaven half hell? Does one call that purgatory?

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Quentin use his fist to bang at his head and groan.

"fuckin ahh stupid, we shoulda been working on generators.." He said.

As an gut instinct I wanted to shout no at him.

But that reminded me of Dwight.


run and chase (frank x quentin) dbdNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ