Chapter 65 - Finally arrived

Start from the beginning

Liam: Y/N...?

He asks with a sad face.

You: We'll see him soon.

The three of you approach Karen and Kenny with the screaming only intensifying.

You: How long has he been...

Karen: Too long...way too long.

She says through tears. Kenny leans against a wall sadness in his eyes. You take a seat next to Karen, AJ sits on your left leg and Liam the other. You all sit there in silence with the only thing you can do being listening to the sorrowful screams of Y/N with every time your heart breaking more as he's in pain. Liam got more and more depressed as time went on, you hugged the boys trying to comfort Liam, not wanting AJ to be left out and trying to comfort yourself. Karen was breaking down worse than everyone else which was understandable, her son was in excruciating pain and she can't do anything to help. To everyone's surprise Ashley and Sam arrive with a heavily bandaged Derick behind them.

Ashley: How're...

Before she can finish a scream cuts her off.

You: Not great.

Derick: It makes sense.

You all turn to him in confusion.

Kenny: What're you talking about?

Derick: Back when Y/N and I fought we both got badly injured, he barely got to rest before heading out again and getting jumped by Jonathan. After that he was tortured by Hunter, fought walkers, walked for a long time shirtless in the cold snow, fought Jonathan and fought Hunter all in a short span of time.

Ashley: If that's the case he should've know...

Derick: Dead. He would've died if he didn't have the antidote in him.

Kenny: What do you mean?

Karen: After sustaining grave injuries your body gets healed allowing you to continue pushing forward. However this is only temporary and when it goes away all those injuries are going to be felt at once.

You(thoughts): Damn.

Sam: Hold on, you were with him the entire time. Why are you okay?

Derick: I didn't go through every thing he did.

He begins to walk away but stops to say something.

Derick: Worrying about him is good and all but you're going to need to eat and get rest eventually.

Sam: He's right.

Kenny: Karen I think you need to get some rest right now, the kids need to eat too.

Karen: We can't just...

You: I'll stay.

Kenny: Clem.

You: There's no talking me out of it.

You look down at the boys who don't look like they're going anywhere.

You: You have to eat.

Liam: Y/N.

He says with sadness in his eyes. You look over at AJ who is the same as Liam.

You: Please, after you're done come back here. Okay.

They hug you tighter not wanting to let go.

Ashley: We'll bring food to them so don't worry.

You: Thanks.

They all leave and the only people left are you, Liam and AJ. After a short while you notice that the screaming has died down.

AJ: Clem.

You: I know.

You get up and go over to the door, you slightly knock and after a few seconds it opens up and a doctor walks out.

You: How is he?

You ask with concern in your heart.

Doctor: I can't blame him for screaming, honestly the fact that he is alive shows how durable he is.

He puts his hand on your shoulder.

Doctor: He's tired and fatigued, his injuries are probably gonna keep him bedridden for a while but he'll be fine.

He walks in and looks at you.

Doctor: Come in.

You walk in with the kids holding your hands and make your way to Y/N who's laying on a blood soaked table, he's unconscious but he's going to be fine. You walk over to his right side and notice glance at his arm, the metal chain has been removed and there's a large scar that goes around his entire right arm.

Liam: Is he...Okay?

You look at him and smile.

You: He's tired and needs rest, so we have to help okay.

They both nod.

Doctor: It's like you 4 are a cute family.

Your face gets red as you get embarrassed. You respond but can only stutter.

You: It''s not like..uhh...

The doctor tries to hide his laughter which makes you more embarrassed. You then notice Kate walk in.

Kate: How's he doing?

Doctor: He'll be fine.

Kate: Then it's probably best to take him to one of the houses, he can rest there.

You: Are we all going to live there.

Kate: There are other houses, you'll all decide who lives with who but for now we should focus on getting him out of here. I got someone to help.

Through the door comes Javi. Before a word can be said you share an  embrace. You let go of each other and he notices the to boys and kneels down.

Javi: You two must be Liam and AJ.

He says rubbing the top of their heads.

Javi: You made a vow to get them back and you did.

You: I wasn't alone. Y/N helped me.

You look over at Y/N and Javi stands next to you.

Kate: He means a lot to you huh?

You: Yeah. Why do you ask?

Javi wipes a tear you didn't realize you shed.

You: I guess seeing him like's just...

You rest your head on Y/N and feel like breaking down. A hand lands so fly in your back and Kate begins to speak.

Kate: I know it's hard but he'll be okay, you don't want the kids to see you like this right?

You pick yourself from Y/N and look back at the boys.

You: Right, let's go.

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