Chapter 1

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The Malec story continues.

Unfortunately, I can't promise to update as frequently as I did with book one, because I'm currently working on a Danish novel too.

Please be patient with me. Thank you.

Now enjoy Chapter one with our lovely boys.

"Magnus, are you okay? You seem kind of distracted."

Alec placed his arms around the waist of his boyfriend, molding himself to his back and gently kissing his neck.

Magnus placed his hands on top of Alec's and intertwined their fingers.

"I'm just fine my love. Work is just crazy right now."

Ever since the premiere on "The Hunt" both Alec and Magnus had gotten offered a lot of roles. Alec were currently playing the lead in new action movie and Magnus had gotten a role in a popular tv-show.

Unfortunately, it meant they didn't see each other as much as they would like.

They tried to get their schedules to match as much as possible, so they could spend some time together in their apartment in New York. It wasn't much, but they made it work.

Alec had insisted they found a new place in New York when they decided to move in together. He didn't like being in his old place anymore.

Luckily, he couldn't remember much from the kidnapping, but sometimes he saw flashes of memories. And being in the apartment triggered his anxiety.

The nightmares were almost gone. At least when Magnus was sleeping next to him. It was a different matter when Magnus wasn't there. He hadn't told Magnus about that, because he feared that Magnus would quit the show to be near him. and he didn't want him to do that.

Magnus turned around, cupped Alec's jaw and kissed him. He loved the way his boyfriend tasted. His scent and the small sounds he made when they kissed. Actually, he loved everything about him.

He hated how close he had been to lose him. And thinking of that time where Alec wasn't in his life almost broke him all over again every time.

Even though his life had become quite complicated since that time, he wouldn't have done anything different. Consequences be damned.

Magnus had successfully hidden the truth from Alec. The truth about where he was most days. The truth about how Alec had been found. And the truth about what Magnus' life had become.

He didn't like hiding things from Alec, but he knew that he had to hide this. Alec had been through enough. He didn't want him to get dragged into the mess, Magnus had created for himself.

Alec kissed Magnus' temple. He couldn't help but feel that something was going on with him.

"Are you sure you are alright? Sometimes it seems like you are not really here."

Alec searched Magnus' eyes for answers. Brushing his thumb over his cheek.

Magnus gazed into the eyes of the man that he loved.

"I'm sure."

He kissed Alec once more, before turning back to face the kitchen counter, and the food he had been preparing.

"Alright, if you say so."

Alec pulled Magnus in tight once more before releasing him.

He knew better than to try and make Magnus open up about something he didn't want to.

Magnus had the stubbornness of a cat.

Alec couldn't help but worry about Magnus. He knew how bumpy their relationship had been, and Magnus had been different since... well since they got back together.

He sometimes wondered if Magnus found it all a little to difficult.

Alec knew he wasn't easy to be with.

He was still getting use to the idea that he wasn't hiding his true nature anymore.

His parents were out of his life. Well, he still heard from his mom from time to time, but only when Robert wasn't home.

She kept saying she was going to leave him, but never did.

All in all, Alec's life was complicated, and he wasn't sure if Magnus sometimes wanted an easier relationship. Wanted someone with less problems.

The annoying buzz of Magnus' phone tore Alec out of his thoughts. He had started to hate that noise.

That damn thing was always buzzing, and it always meant that Magnus had to leave. He knew Magnus had a good heart and wanted to help, but he didn't like how his new co-star always needed his help.

Alec rolled his eyes When Magnus reached for the phone.

He could see the way Magnus tensed up when he read the text.

She was definitely asking for his help again. Alec were sure of it.

"Sorry honey, I have to step out for a while. Will you finish this? I'll be back to have dinner with you. "

Magnus kissed Alec's cheek and headed out the door, without waiting for an answer.

Alec sighed.

Stupid Aline!

Alec had already come to resent her more than he had clary.

Looking down at the vegetables on the chopping board, he reached for the instructions on how to make that dish.

He was glad Magnus wasn't just creating this dinner without an instruction as he sometimes did.

Reading it carefully, he started throwing thing into the pot.


Magnus could feel a shiver run down his spine as it always did when he walked into this part of the city.

Even though the evening was warm, he couldn't help but feel cold.

Trying not to notice all the eyes that followed him down the street, he walked into the bar.

Heading straight for the back table, he locked his eyes on the black-haired woman.

Magnus crossed his arms over his chest when he stood in front of the table.

"I'm here. What is it you want me to do now?"

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