"Yes, Nat, I know.  It also means i found out who Percy is before you so I win!  Take that you-- OW!  Nat stop hitting me!"

"Can't you be serious for a minute, Clint.  This is huge--like, world changing huge-- we need to tell the others."

I nodded and grabbed the book off the bed so she could't give me any more of a concussion than I already had.  "You're right.  I was planning on doing it now, before dinner.  Thought i needed to tell you first though of you'd kill me, although you did a pretty good job of that anyway."

Natasha rolled her eyes and grabbed a T-shirt out of the drawer.  Then, she walked to the door and looked back at me.  I hopped off the bed and followed her down the hall.  "Jarvis,"  she said, "call a team meeting in the living room.  Don't bother with Thor or Percy."

"Understood, madam."



I was gonna do it... I was gonna tell them.  After pizza, of course.  Thor was still sitting on the bed watching me.  He seemed concerned.  

"Are you okay, Perseus?  I can leave if you wan--"

"No," I said.  It sounded a little weaker than I would've liked, but he didn't comment on that.  "No, I'd--I'd like it if you stayed."

"Of course."

"And, could you be close when I tell them?  Just in case things go bad?"

Thor nodded.  "I will be by your side, my young friend."  I thanked him quietly and tried to steady the rapid beating of my heart.  Now that I decided I would actually go through with this, it suddenly seemed a whole lot harder.  Thor scooted closer to me and we simply sat in silence, staring at the wall and dresser in front of us.

"Can we stay in here until Jarvis calls us for dinner," I asked him.

"Of course," he replied.



Natasha and I walked into the living room to see everyone but Stark already there.  "Where's Tony?"

Bruce shrugged and said something about him wanting to call in the pizza before he came up, which was completely understandable to me.  Natasha rolled her eyes, but some people just can't appreciate food like others.  Tony walked in and sat down on the sofa draping his legs over the seat rest and leaning his back on Bruce's arm.  Bruce moved to the other side of the couch and Tony fell on his back.

"What the hell man, I was comfy!"

"You were late and acting like a kid, so I decided to treat you like a kid."  Tony huffed and Steve sat on the floor, looking at me and Nat expectantly.  

"You wanted to talk to us?"

"Yes," Natasha started, "Clint just brought some extremely sensitive information to my--"

"Hey, where's Thor," Tony asked.

"He wasn't summoned," Nat answered.  "Now as I was saying, Clint discovered what's up with Percy.  He is--"

"Hey!  Don't steal my thunder!  Come on, Nat, you know better than that."  Natasha rolled her eyes at me for like the hundredth time today and ignored it for like the hundredth time today.

"Fine, Clint, go ahead," she said.

"Percy's not a mermaid.  He's a--"

"I swear, Clint, if you called us all in here to tell us he's actually a merman, I will restrict your pizza privileges for the night."  I looked at Tony incredulously.

"There's mermen?  I thought they were all mermaids--hey!  Nat, that hurt!  No, that's not what i was gonna say, but we're going to talk about that later, man, that's wicked.  What I was going to say, it that Percy is a--"

"Sir, pizza is here.  I've notified Thor and young master Percy."

"Hey, guys, what's up?"  Well damn, speak of the devil and he shall appear I guess.  I looked at the rest of the team with a look that said 'We'll talk about this after they leave,' and went to go set the table.

"Hey Perce," I said, "While Tony gets the pizza, can you get everyone a water?"

"Except me," Tony shouted as he headed for the lobby, "I'll just do Scotch tonight."

Natasha snatched the bottle from him and poured it down the drain.  "Not, tonight, Stark.   You've been drinking too much lately, I can smell it on your breath."


"Nope, go get the pizzas."  Tony pouted and trudged to the elevator as Percy filled seven glasses of water.  I watched closely while I got plates, but nothing fishy seemed to happen.  Not gonna lie, it was a little disappointing.  

When Tony came back with the pizzas and the war over food that is pizza night was over, I noticed Percy start to fidget with his shirt beside me.  Thor glanced over and cleared his throat.  Percy jumped as everyone's attention went to the lightning god beside him.

"Percy has something he'd like to say after we clean up."  Steve took that as a cue to clean up and after roping Tony into helping him the rest of us moved to the couch to pick a movie.  Percy sat next to Thor on the love seat which, not gonna lie, would've been a pretty funny sight if the kid wasn't pressed so tightly into his side looking like he was one sudden move away from bolting out of the tower.  When the dynamic cleaning duo sat down, all eyes turned to him.  Percy forced his eyes up to meet ours and gulped.  I swear, if he's about to say what I think he's about to say and steal my thunder, I'm gonna throw hands.

"Right, so, um... I'm not human--well I'm half human-- so not totally not human.  But, I'm also half God?"  Percy paused and seemed to gather his thoughts.  A good thing too because so far the kid was crashing and burning.  

"My father is Poseidon, Greek god of the seas."

and then all hell broke loose in the living room.


Yay!  I wrote another!  If you can't tell by how these past couple chapters have been a lot of Clint, I frickin' love the guy!  Definitely my favorite avenger.  I've always seen him as a total lovable goofball, and I love that so much.  He's so underrated and his friendship with Nat is the most underappreciated thing in the MCU.  period.  Do you agree?  What do you think's the most underappreciated thing?

Also, if you could pick one comedy, one action, and one adventure TV show or movie to live in, what would they be.  (mine would be Friends, then idk...this one's hard... maybe the Jurassic Park series BUT as a velociraptor?  And adventure wise, probably One Piece (which I highly recommend if u can't tell)

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