Chapter 24

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The weeks dragged on with no incident. Jace allowed me more freedoms so long as I obeyed. And I did. Jace was a lot kinder to me since I'd learned to love him. Our day to day routine became very domestic.

Jace would make breakfast for us then he'd be out and about doing something while I'd do the dishes then read one of the books that the box contained. He'd come back and make lunch then be gone again. A few times when he came in to make dinner I could tell he'd just killed someone. He'd always be more relaxed.

Every other night we'd take a shower. Jace had started allowing us extra time in the steamy spray when he'd realized that it helped me relax. Despite our nudity he'd never once touched me in our showers which I was grateful for. Only a few times during those weeks did Jace want sex and I complied without complaint regardless of the pain. Jace was as gentle as he could be but it always hurt to some degree.

In those weeks every cut and bruise healed up as well, and with no new ones I was better at giving Jace everything he desired from me. Not that he asked for much more than my compliance but he had it all. Mind, body, and soul. I couldn't give him much else. It was okay though, I loved him and I wanted him to have every bit of me.

Then came a dreary Monday that changed everything. Jace had put so much trust in me and I didn't want to mess it up but somehow of course I did.

"Are you sure you want me to come with you?" I bit my lip nervous because of the escape attempted under my previously clouded judgement.

"It'd be easier if I didn't have to guess. Besides we leave before sunrise tomorrow to change locations. Four missing people in this small of a town will raise suspicions." He was right. The town we were in may not have been so small that everyone knew everyone but it was small enough that it was normally rather safe. "Plus I'll let you get some candy for the road."

I grinned. Jace had very quickly learned of my affinity for sweets and used them to entice me, often.

"Alright you win, but I'm only going for the candy, not because you asked me to." I teased causing him to smirk.

The drive to the store was relaxed and quiet. It was my first real outing with Jace and i was excited. Very excited. I hated it when he'd leave me at the house alone. I needed him to take care of me. I wasn't allowed in the kitchen without him and I found no will to take care of myself when Jace wasn't there.

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