Chapter 5.

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My head collided painfully with the wall, the hand that grabbed my mouth threatened to break my jaw. The man said something but the blood pounding in my ears prevented me from hearing him clearly. I used my legs to push off the wall knocking us both down. He grunted but quickly forced me face down on the bed. He sat on my lower spine and held my free hand down and kept my face pushed into the filthy matress.

I continued to kick and scream thrying to squirm away frim him but he was stronger. I hadn't realised I'd been crying until my anger died away. By the end of my tantrum I was left silently crying and trying to catch my breath through a raw and sore windpipe.

"Are you done?" He asked. I nodded.

He flipped me over and repositioned himself to sit on my hips.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" The anger was clear in his eyes.

"Why am I still alive?" I asked my temper flaring again. The responding fist to my face was enough to make sure I didn't lose my cool again.

He pressed a knife to my throat. "You're alive because I said you could be. Make no mistake, there are things worse than death and I'll make sure you suffer every last one of them is you ever scream like that again." Everything hit me then and my eyes left his to rest on his chest.

"Yes sir. I'm sorry." If I was going to escape I had to be smart about it.

"If you hadn't thrown that tantrum then I might have given you more water but because of your actions I think you can wait until tomorrow." I felt like a child being scolded.

"Yes sir." I needed to be good and gain his trust.

True to his word I didn't get any water the rest of the day. I knew better than ti complain or ask. Once the blade was removed from my throat I didn't want it back there.

"Do you need to take a piss before bedtime?" I nodded. He rolled me onto my side and picked up the bottle he'd thrown at me. With his help I was able to pee into the bottle without making a mess.

"Thank you." My voice was still quiet but he nodded, letting me know he'd heard.

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