Chapter 8.

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I was almost to the opposite tree line. If I could just get into the trees I could avoid being caught. That didn't happen though. The man hit my back, tackling me to the ground. I flipped over and kicked out as hard as I could hitting him in the chest. He was knocked off and I tried to turn and run. He grabbed my ankles pulling me back and flipping me over. His fist hit mu face and my nose began to gush.

Fuck it hurt.

I began kicking at him again trying to push myself away. He grabbed my pants as I pushed. My pants were pulled down and it renewed my struggle. I couldn't run with my pants around my ankles. He flipped me over again and pinned me down. My heart stopped as I felt his crotch grind against my naked butt. I stilled all movement.

"I don't think you understood when I told you, you are my rib. You're mine and you will obey me. I should have done this when you first came. Make you understand your place."

My heart sank as a sharp burning pain ripped through me. He couldn't be... But he was and got it hurt.

I went to scream but he clamped a hand over my mouth to stop me. "Don't do that. I'm going to remove my hand and when I do you're going to be quiet." Hot tears rushed down my cheeks as I nodded.

His hand was removed and a weak whimper escaped my throat. It hurt. I just wanted him to stop. He didn't though, not until he was finished. Not until I was filled with what felt like searing hot liquid. Fuck, it hurt. When he pulled out it hurt. When he pulled up my panta it hurt. When pulled me to my feet and forced me to walk back to the barn it hurt. God it hurt.

He shoved me roughly on the bed grabbing my cheeks with one hand. "Quit crying. You did it to yourself. I was going to wait, I was going to be nice and gentle with you but you juat had to disobey me. Maybe now you'll understand you're mine."

I pulled my face away and began shaking my head "no". I didn't want to be his. I didn't want to be raped again. I didnt want to have sex with him. I wasn't gay. I held no interest in being in a relationship with a man.

"Well that's just too fucking bad, huh?" He said while cuffing my hand in place. He left me there to my tears then. I wanted to scream. My body hurt and I could taste the blood from my nose. My heart began to hurt for Kat and my head hurt from the stress. I hated that man. I hated him with everything I had. He'd defiled me in the worst possible way.

I wanted him to kill me. I'd rather die than be trapped in that situation. Then another thought struck me.

If I'd been good and listened then maybe he wouldn't have raped me like he had. He'd just told me it was going to happen regardless but maybe if I hadn't pushed him so far it wouldn't have bren hurting me at that moment so bad that it was hard to breathe. I needed to be good and listen if I wanted to avoid pain.

He came back almost an hour later dragging in an unconscious man.

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