Chapter 20

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I didn't sleep that night. My body throbbed and the basement was freezing. All of the tiny cuts stung while the deep wound in my shoulder hurt angrily. I ripped up my shirt making a makeshift bandage.

The following day Jace didn't come. I threw myself against the door screaming for him to open the door, he ignored me. That night I made it a point to be as loud as possible.

The second day my voice was hoarse and my throat was soar. My stomach growled loudly and the water from the sink was a brown color and tasted like rust. My mind began to wonder. I tried to avoid thinking about Jace, Jake, and Kat, but my thoughts always lead to them. By that night I was arguing with myself about whether or not I'd apologize. Eventually I decided it'd be best to.

The next day I waited for Jace to open the door so I could apologize but the hours ticked on. I started to panic. What if he'd left me for good? Left me to starve in the basement, if the infection setting into my shoulder didn't kill me first. If he'd left I'd have no way out. But he wouldnt just leave me right?

That night a fever took over. I was trying to clean the wound up but it wouldn't stop bleeding. Blood and pus seeped out slowly and continuously. The wound had started going numb but any irritant caused me to scream as pain ripped through my shoulder. It felt like someone stabbed it again.

On the forth day I woke up to Jace leaning over me looking frustrated. I jumped up hooking my arms around his neck repeating "im sorry" over and over softly in his ear. He hadn't abandoned me in that fucking basement. He carried me upstairs and into the bathroom while I clung to him like a life line. He set me in the bathtub stripping me of my clothes with some difficulty. I didn't want to let him go, afraid I'd be back in the basement without him.

He was finally able to seperate us. He put a rag between my teeth and started cleaning out the stab wound. First with hot water and anti-bacterial hand soap and then with rubbing alcohol. I gritted my teeth against the rag and grunted when the pain became almost unbearable. He then dried the area and rubbed in some kind of ointment before properly bandaging the wound.

Afterward he took me to the bedroom and tucked me in. He gave me two pills to take before sitting beside me and stroking my covered stomach. I watched him for a while feeling my fever slowly go down. "Do you need a sleeping aide?" He said after a while.

"Will you still he here when I wake up?" 

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